Louis Vuitton’s Caribbean Collection

Louis Vuitton’s Caribbean Collection

For those of us suffering through winter’s brutal front, Louis Vuitton’s SS15 campaign is nothing short of a beautiful escape. Set in the Caribbean, the picturesque shoot offers the perfect setting for buyers to gawk over the new range of handbags and trunks.


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Louis Vuitton Spring 2015 Collection. Photo Credit: Louis Vuitton Official.


Entitled Spirit of Travel, the shoot places the spotlight on lightweight travel and is aimed at targeting fashion-forward individuals a whole new way. The campaign is currently featured on New York blog The Cut, where ads link to a separate page that allows the browser to vicariously experience the idyllic paradise Spirit of Travel offers.

Visitors can either watch the entire campaign film, or choose to browse between featured products. The campaign video showcases each piece of the collection and is constructed as a fantastical narrative of the “modern voyager.” Says Gay Gabrilska, Senior Vice President of Operations at Gravit8 Marketing:

“By splitting the handbag collection into chapters, Louis Vuitton is able to tell a story about each style. They are essentially saying one size doesn’t fit all, so understand the ins and outs of each design and then decide which one suits your style, similar to when you pick up a good book and you want to understand every facet of a character’s personality.”

Louis Vuitton Spring 2015. Source: Louis Vuitton Official Website


This custom-tailored, interactive experience takes online shopping to another level. Buyers are drawn in, taking the time to explore products and breathtaking visuals, much like a true holiday.

Critiques from fashion insiders were equally as positive:

“One of the key focuses of brands executing good mobile campaigns is to surprise and delight the consumer and Louis Vuitton does just that,” says Jeff Gunderman, President of Eye, New York.

Specialised mobile campaigns are becoming a favourite among high fashion brands. Burberry have also experimented with the form, and after the presumed success of this latest campaign you can expect plenty more designers to follow suit.

You can view the entire Louis Vuitton Spring 2015 campaign here.


Louis VuittonCaribbean