The Avalanches Are Officially a Two-Piece

It’s been a long 15-year wait since The Avalanches released their critically acclaimed album ‘Since I Left You,’ and rumors circulating the possibility of the sophomore follow up have left fans hanging for news since.


However, the recent news is not the kind we were listening out for.

As it turns out, Darren Seltmann parted ways with the Melbourne-based electronic outfit early last year, and it hasn’t been widely noticed until recently.

His wife Sally Seltmann initially pointed out early last year that “He’s not in the Avalanches anymore.” She told the Herald Sun “nobody seems to pick up on that.”
The bands label, Modular, have also confirmed that the band is officially a duo. The label’s representative also told the Herald Sun that the “album sounds awesome, but there’s no dates or anything planned. The official line is ‘stay tuned’.”

The Avalanches album Since I Left You released in 2000 features over 3,500 samples, and is widely regarded as one of the most progressive albums of the century thus far. The sample-kings follow up album has been teased on several occasions, like in 2011 when members Robbie Charter and Tony Diblasi told Triple J:

“It’s taken a long time, yeah. I mean it’s not really mixed or anything yet. We’ll probably take another ten years to get it mixed.”


Collaborator Jennifer Herema who wrote a track on the anticipated album recently told The Quietus that it could be done in the next few weeks.

She said:

“Actually Robbie he wrote me last week and they’re gonna do a remix for this album and he updated me. He said that their album was gonna be done in three weeks and then he was gonna work on the Black Bananas remix.”

But while no confirmed date has been released, fans will do what they do best and ‘stay tuned.’

In the meantime, here is the music video for ‘Frontier Psychiatrist,’ directed by Tom Kuntz and Mike Maguire, featuring 37 spoken word records.

The AvalanchesRobbie CharterTony DiblasiDarren SeltmannJennifer Herema
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