Little Women is known for heart-wrenching family drama, set in the Victorian Era. Now get ready for a “grittier” and “hyper-stylised” version of the story.
CW has announced that they’ll be producing it as a TV series. Because the story isn’t tragic enough and we need more remakes rather coming up with something original.
The new Little Women will centre on the famous sisters, now half-sisters, surviving a dystopian world, in Philadelphia, and on top of that, they will struggle against each other as they uncover some conspiracy. So…no emotional moments of the close-knit sisters moving into adulthood?
The series is currently in development and NCIS‘ Michael Weatherley is attached as executive producer.
Little Women isn’t the only one getting a darker treatment. The promising Pride and Prejudice and Zombies will be coming to the movies soon and has set in anticipation, so fingers crossed Little Women won’t disappoint.