Fashion-Insta of the Week: Ellie Lemons

Fashion-Insta of the Week: Ellie Lemons

Ellie_lemons_22_21ELLIE LEMONS


You may know Ellie, you may follow her on Instagram (@ellielemons) and you most definitely would have seen her face pop up in various magazines, on billboards and in stores such as Jo Mercer, Factorie, and Koolaman (just to name a few). So how does the 23 year old manage a business, study, travel the world modelling and continue to stay so humble and positive!? I sat down with Ellie to talk all things fashion, modelling, business and Instagram.


1.You have achieved so much in such a small amount of time and always manage to stay healthy and vibrant! I’m dying to know what a day in the life of Ellie consists of? Your meals, how often you work out and what you do in your down time?

Hello! I have always eaten rather healthy, so it’s just in my day to day life now, but being prepared is definitely important! If I have a big day I make sure I have food to take with me. I try to do a hard workout (boxing, interval training) twice a week, then normally run once or twice a week! Maybe do a pilates or yoga if I have time. Sometimes my weeks are quiet, sometimes they’re crazy so it just depends on that weeks routine. My down time is normally with family and friends. Watching movies, sitting in my track pants, hanging with my puppy. Nothing very interesting. Brunch is definitely one of my weaknesses!


2. Travelling the world as an International model means you have some amazing experience under your belt. At only 23 you still have some amazing opportunities to come your way! What has been the most stand out moment in your modelling career? And your favourite campaign/ runway show to date? What sacrifices have you made in your personal life to get to where you are right now?

I’ve been very lucky with my personal life, I have an amazing support system and the most beautiful family and friends so I’ve never been asked or had to sacrifice anything for work. I often have to cancel last minute, but as I said everyones very understanding 🙂 I love New York, I was staying with friends in a college, it was hilarious staying in a college with the girls basketball team, and then modelling. A massive contrast! I have done some amazing shoots! I’ve been very lucky. I loved New Zealand and a shoot I did for the cover of Remix Magazine. It was an amazing team and such a fun day! The shots are really cool too!

3. You have walked in various Fashion Weeks and worked with amazing stylists from around the world! You get to see new designer collections before anyone else. What is your personal style and how would you describe it. Are there any fashion trends you are loving at the moment?

I’m not the best to ask for this stuff, when I’m modelling I’m in jeans and a white singlet/tee, and when I’m not I’m in gym gear or trackies! I definitely like basics, I like Elliot Label, Camilla and Marc, lots of different brands, some well know, some not so much 🙂

3. Looking through your Instagram feed (@ellielemons) I notice a lot of fitness inspired and motivational images. Have you always had a passion for fitness or has it developed over time?

I’ve always loved being strong and fit. I enjoy challenging myself and setting goals. Becoming a Personal Trainer has been great, it pairs with modelling really well, and I like helping people!

4. You have over 34,000+ people from all over the world following your every move on your Instagram account! This number is growing everyday. How do you think Instagram has shaped your modelling career? Do you get much work based on your Instagram following?

It’s very odd. It’s definitely changed the industry, I’ve got some work through Instagram, and it’s kind of like our own (modelling) portfolio now.

5. One of your most recent blog posts on describes the reality of social media and how much of that is “real life”. Do you ever go out of your way to get “the perfect insta pic” or do you have any rules or guidelines that you follow to keep up with the growing Instagram fame?

I just try to be me. I try to show people tips on being healthy and fit. I put quite a bit of emphasis on being real, being yourself, how it’s okay to have bad days and good days and be hurt and eat bad things. That we’re human.

6. You also have a Personal Training business and an Ebook- “A Healthy Guide to Living”. What was your inspiration behind the Ebook? What was the process like to get it all off the ground?

Whenever I spoke to people about nutrition it was always really one sided, or influenced by things they had read without reading both sides and so forth. SO, I decided to make a simple guide explaining what certain things do for our bodies and how to eat for nutritional value. I like the idea of making healthier versions of everyday foods we love, like pizza’s and chocolate treats So it also has a whole heaps of recipes!


7. Your motivational quotes and images are so refreshing. You promote a lot of ways to “stay happy” and #justsmile. How do you manage to stay so positive in an industry that is so image focused and at times can create a lot of insecurities in young models?

I’m me. And I’m not perfect and those closest to me don’t expect me to be. So I guess with that knowledge I haven’t really had much trouble within the industry. It’s face value, so when I don’t get chosen for a job it’s not because they know me as a person or are judging my personality, it’s just on my ‘look’ and I’m fine with that. I’m naturally a very happy person, I’m lucky in that way, my whole family are happy people, I still have bad days but often remind myself how lucky we are to live in our country and all that jazz. So yeah, I try to show that through my Instagram, to be kind, to smile, to realize how incredibly lucky we are!

8. What has been the most challenging experience in your modelling career? Have you ever thought about quitting modelling?

I have thought about it a few times, not because of the industry, I’ve been very lucky with who I have got to work with etc., but because of the inconsistent income. It can be hard to have another job, I’ve been lucky pairing it with Personal Training and nutrition consultations and have finally come to some kind of balance.

9. Thanks so much for your time today Ellie! We are looking forward to following your journey! What can we expect to see from you over the next 12 months and where do you want to be?

I have absolutely no idea! It’s a weird age and time for me, I don’t really have a plan, i’m just taking everything as it comes!:)

Instagram: @ellielemons
Agency: Chadwicks (Melbourne)

fashionmelbourneInstagramModelFitnesshealthnutritionjo mercerbloggerFashioninsta
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