FIB has filtered through the thousands of images that are posted every day on Instagram, and we have found some incredible photography accounts that will leave you feeling inspired.
Instagram has undoubtedly become the place to go when we have that spare minute on the train, sitting alone on our lunch breaks or lying in bed, just before we go to sleep. It’s common to see the same old memes and unrealistic ‘goals’ posts, right? We have decided to narrow down that unnecessary amount of time spent on social media and pick out the accounts that are bound to inspire.
1. Janske Kaethoven (@janske)
Kaethoven is a Belgium-based photographer, using a minimal approach to capturing natural elements of the world, such as, landscapes, open roads and gloomy horizons. You can almost feel the textures, and climates that are captured in the images. This photographer prides herself on having pure subject matters and only editing her images slightly, this results in a very neutral and coherent colour scheme throughout her gallery. Kaethoven rarely photographs people, unless they are pictured on a horizon or by the ocean.
In an interview with Lisa Ferguson, the photographer stated:
“I prefer to see the world in a certain way. Everyday life in many ways is loud, smelly and crowded. That’s one of the reasons why I like to be in quiet and remote places. I love sharing landscapes and nature’s purity where things can just be what they are.”

2. Victoria Siemer (@witchoria)
Victoria Siemer is a Brooklyn-based, graphic designer. With an Instagram bio reading “I make art”, Siemer produces art, completely open to interpretation. Siemer’s gallery has a lot of contrast, as she captures emotive images and uses photo shop to heavily edit these surreal elements. The manipulation of reflected landscapes, as well as the bold neon colour palates, create an edgy atmosphere, throughout her Instagram feed. Siemer believes that a lot of her images represent the “fragmentation of self”, and this shines through on her account.

3. Dustin Vaughn-Luma (@dvl)
California based photographer, Dustin Vaughn-Luma displays a unique approach to the sights we see every day. Often using his iPhone 5 to capture various subjects, such as forrest, mountains and cliffs. Also, Vaughn-Luma captures feelings and expressions of family and pets through portrait style photographs. These personal subjects create a relationship with his audience. Vaughn-Luma’s Instagram gallery varies in colour scheme, but a lot of the portraits are shot in black and white, crafting an overall vintage feel.
4. Hiroaki Fukuda (@hirozzzz)
Hiroaki Fukuda is located in “Tokyo and everywhere”. This is no lie – we see his journey from one location to another, as we scroll through his page. The vibrant colour of crystal blue waters, to the red sand’s of the Middle Eastern Desert. This photographer has an eye for mixing the natural with industrial, while maintaining a coherent tone. Not only does he use a tightly cropped style to capture the architecture of his locations, Fukuda dabbles in flat lay compositions, showing us the meals he is eating in these cities.
5. Will Taylor (@brightbazaar)
New York based interior design author, Will Taylor, communicates bright and bold stories through his colourful photographs. Yellow, blue and pink pastels provoke a euphoric feeling of happiness, while browsing through the images. Interiors, bright food and florals as well as street art are his preferred subject matter. The storyteller himself is occasionally featured in the Instagram gallery, showing his personal style and dress sense, Taylor’s personality shines through his Instagram feed.
Feeling a little inspired?