Fashion Industry Broadcast ‘Web-Doco’: Kate Moss

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Kate Moss is one of Fashion Industry Broadcast’s TOP MODELS Vol 61 “It Girls” and you can see our 5 minute ‘Web-Doco’ here. FIB has made an exciting 5 minute “Web-Doco” on each of the 10 featured “It Girls”.
Discovered at the age of 14, Katherine “Kate” Ann Moss possesses all of the irresistible“It”Girl factors. With her small stature and iconic gure, she popularised the notion of the ‘waif ’ look and her delicate beauty became the staple look of the ‘90s. Moss continues to work and thrive, commanding magazine covers, editorials and ad campaign’s all over the world.

Kate Moss is the girl that everyone wants to be and her presence as a global style icon has been cemented into the minds of fashion moguls, agencies, fanatics and up-and-comers everywhere. Moss is undoubtedly a true ‘It Girl’ of the past and present – could you imagine a model universe without her?

Top Models - It Girl Cover copyFashion Industry Broadcast is proud to unveil our new bespoke film-making division. FIB makes rich media content for mobile devices, creating short and also feature length films and documentaries, as well as publish from our vast catalogue of art books, eBooks, and apps for mobile devices. 

All of our book titles are soon to be available as feature length film documentaries, as well as innovative 5 minute “Web-Doco’s”. Our “Web-Doco” library alone features over 2,000 FIB titles.

You can find them on iTunes, You Tube, Vimeo, and soon Netflix and Foxtel.

You can also buy TOP MODELS title Vol 61 “ It Girls” as book and ebook from Amazon books, and better ebook sellers globally now.

Click here to find out more.

Top Models Vol 61 “It Girls” written by Michelle Ives & Kelli Strong
Film by Erin Warrick

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