Angela Nicolau is taking selfie photography to the next level, make that the rooftop level. With selfies now commonplace on the internet you have to do something pretty special to stand out, and Nicolau is standing on the edge… of very tall buildings. At age 23 and based in Moscow, this self-taught Russian photographer is capturing images of herself on the edge of skyscrapers and the tops of high rise buildings.

Not only are her images exhilarating and mind blowing to look at imagining someone so close to the edge without safety equipment, sometimes sitting on a ledge with her legs dangling down the edge of the building, so close to falling, but she never does. Some images she takes herself and others are taken of her.
The photographs depict Moscow from a bird’s eye view with amazing perspectives of the city she photographs. She travels across China, Hong-Kong and Russia climbing high rises for these amazing photographs. In some of the images she balances and performs yoga poses on a very thin ledge, looking very precarious, or she even lies down on a ledge. She has 160k following her on Instagram and is posting images daily. Her tag on Instagram is “No limit, no control” and she uses the hashtag #nofear.
Other daring roof toppers include Vitaliy Raskalov, Vadim Makhorov and Mustang Wanted, who are all male.
It is fantastic to see Nikolau being such a daredevil on top of these buildings, the thrill is twofold. First the risk factor, she is so high up and close to the edge and it looks terrifying. Secondly the view is amazing and breathtaking. Once you have seen one of her images you get addicted and want more and more. As long as she doesn’t fall.