Peter Lindbergh Transforms Pirelli Calendar for 2017

Peter Lindbergh Transforms Pirelli Calendar for 2017


The Pirelli calendar is famous for having bombshells in its pages, as well as famous models capturing in sexy pictures. However, this year the brand has taken a new direction. They continue to be outrageous, for sure, but in a different way. The 2017 calendar will show some Hollywood stars, without being retouched and a minimal makeup.

The responsible for this change is German photographer Peter Lindbergh: “My aim was to portray women in a different way and I did it by calling actress who’ve played an important role in my life, getting as close as possible to them to take my photos,” explained the photographer at the launch of the publication in Paris.

“My aim was to portray women in a different way and I did it by calling actress who’ve played an important role in my life, getting as close as possible to them to take my photos,” explained the photographer at the launch of the publication in Paris. He continued: “As an artist, I feel I’m responsible for freeing women from the idea of eternal youth and perfection. The ideal of perfect beauty promoted by society is something that simply can’t be attained”.

“As an artist, I feel I’m responsible for freeing women from the idea of eternal youth and perfection. The ideal of perfect beauty promoted by society is something that simply can’t be attained.”

Lindbergh, who signed three calendars with his name, picked top stars to be part of this work. Uma Thurman, Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, Robyn Wright, Kate Winslet, Penelope Cruz, Jessica Chastain, Léa Seydoux, Zhang Ziyi, Rooney Mara, Alicia Vikander, Helen Mirren, Charlotte Rampling and Lupita Nyong’o starred shots taken in Berlin, Los Angeles, New York, London and at the beautiful French beach Le Touquet. The only non-artist to appear in the calendar is Anastacia Ignatova, a specialist in political theory from Moscow State University.

In a promotional video, the featured actresses talked about how they felt throughout photo shoot. “Peter is the best photographer to capture the women”, said Robin Wright. Uma Thurman added: “It’s like an interview, but with a camera”. Penelope Cruz told that she never felt more like herself before:

“It’s almost like seeing into your soul.”

See the pictures of the 2017 Calendar of Pirelli by Peter Lindbergh below.



Alicia Vikanderjulianne moorePenelope CruzKate WinsletPirelli CalendarPeter LindberghUma ThurmanNicole KidmanRobyn WrightJessica ChastainLéa SeydouxZhang ZiyiRooney MaraHelen MirrenCharlotte RamplingLupita Nyong’o
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