April has Been A Blessed Month for Frank Ocean Fans

April has Been A Blessed Month for Frank Ocean Fans

Remember a year ago when everyone was impatiently waiting for Frank Ocean to release Blonde?

Image Credit: The Independent

Now it seems as though maybe, just maybe, we should have trusted one of the most loved and respected musicians of our generation to do what he had to do. It would appear that all that time we spent waiting (and making copious amounts of memes about waiting) for Frank to release his now acclaimed album Blonde, was worth it. Eight months later Frank Ocean is still hitting us with a release, after release, after release and we are definitely not complaining.

It all started with “Chanel” and then came a song from mainstream dance artist Calvin Harris titled “Slide” that featured Frank alongside Migos on vocals. Needless to say, both songs are beautiful gifts and if you haven’t already listened to them you should immediately.

Image Credit: DJ Booth

In the wake of the release of his new album, Frank has begun a radio series titled “Blonded”. The series has seen him collaborating with the American radio station Beats 1 to air his own selection of music as well as to share singles of his own new music. This month alone he has released 3 new songs, two of which have two different versions, all with impressive features from artists like Tyler The Creator, Jay Z, Travis Scott and Young Thug.

We’re going to give you a run down of everything Frank Ocean has blessed us with this April.

Biking – feat. JAY Z and Tyler The Creator

The song features the three rappers swapping thematically linked verses of cycling, accompanied by a simple beat. The accompanying sounds alternate between each rapper and is seamlessly braided together as the song develops, from Jay-Z’s simple piano to Tyler’s wavy currents connected by Frank’s acoustic guitar.  The song concludes with an impassioned moment from Frank, a usually more tender singer.

Slide On Me – feat. Young Thug

The slow track is an updated version of ‘Slide On Me’ that originally appeared Frank’s 2016 visual album Endless. The new version includes a name change and a feature from the Atlanta rapper Young Thug. In the song Young Thug has moments passion and honesty, his more rough vocals complementing Frank Ocean’s more rough sound in this track, giving the song a sensation of aching candour.


Lens – feat. Travis Scott

Lens has come in two forms, one that is only Frank Ocean and the second featuring Travis Scott. The song has a confessional tone as Frank reflects on balancing two relationships, one with a female and one with a male. The lyrics are brutally honest on the topic, saying “this thing won’t last unless we’re both lying'”. The addition of the verse from Travis Scott provides the song with another layer of depth in considering the volatility of love.

With all of this just in April, what will May bless us with?!?!


jay-zFrank OceanYoung ThugBeats 1Tyler the CreatorBlondetravis scottBlonded
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