Having released a slew of singles throughout his 3-year career, Chicago-based vocalist and producer Joe Boston, better known as Shallou has released his debut E.P. All Becomes Okay.

The opening track has the intonations of a lullaby, building to a dreamy, saccharine summer track. As the E.P. develops, Shallou masterfully creates a soundscape that encompasses the spectrum of both melancholy and a cheerful optimism. He presents you with a complexity of emotions that highlights the multifaceted nature of contentedness which doesn’t necessitate a constant state of exaltation. His delicate attention to amalgamating the fluctuating feelings his music insights identifies the beauty in the happiest and saddest of moments in life.

This negotiation of dual concepts is particularly evident in the midway track ‘Fictions’. Here Shallou’s yearning vocals, reminiscent of James Blake in their depth and expression, are laid above a shimmering, fast paced undercurrent.
The E.P. metamorphoses into upbeat dance tracks with pulsating rhythms that infuse you with an enthusiastic energy before gently easing you back to reality from Shallou’s dream world. The E.P. in its entirety is a serendipitous experience, embodying its title, All Becomes Okay, with its overarching positive certainty.
All Becomes Okay is a beautiful example of how sensitive and deeply expressive electronic music can be.
You can listen to the entire All Becomes Okay E.P. below, on Spotify and iTunes.