Netflix Announces Interactive Stories, Only A Matter Of Time Before We Can Choose Our Own Adventures

Netflix is stepping it up a notch for kids, introducing remarkable interactive stories reminiscent of the popular R.L. Stine ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books from our childhood.

In a move that boldly exclaims “Welcome to the 21st Century of Streaming!”, Netflix have unveiled the new technology with Puss in Book: Trapped in an Epic Tale – an interactive story that allows viewers to choose the fate of Shrek‘s ‘Puss in Boots’ using their remote or touchscreen.

While only Puss in Book is currently available, Buddy Thunderstruck: The Maybe Pile is scheduled for release on the 14 of July.

Sure, those of us that don’t have kids probably aren’t overly thrilled about this announcement but we need to focus on the main point here: the technology is there! It’s only a matter of time before we’re able to decide whether Piper should break up with Alex (Orange is the New Black), or direct Sergeant Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) to perform a pec dance on cue.

As a generation stained by the nostalgia of the 90’s and trapped in the present where despite our adult freedoms we are still living amongst inequality – it’s no wonder we’re pining after a time when our favourite authors gave us the freedom and creative licence to lose ourselves in adventures of our own choosing.

And maybe that’s why we’re so bitter… If this technology had been available ten years ago, maybe we could have saved Marissa Cooper from herself. May she Rest in Peace.

#netflixPuss in BookPuss in Bootsinteractive tvchoose your own adventure
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