Vanfest Is Back With Their Best Lineup Yet

Vanfest Is Back With Their Best Lineup Yet

The Vanfest Music Festival is back this year in the small town of Forbes in New South Wales and they have released a killer lineup for this year’s gig.  From Tash Sultana to Amy Shark, Thundamentals and Dune Rats, you’re going to want to get on that presale ASAP.

Rudimental performing live at Vanfest in 2015. Photo Credit: BIG4 Parks

The two-day festival is set to return to Forbes Showgrounds on the 1st and 2nd of December.  Matt and Grant Clifton, Vanfests promoters have said they are excited about the festival’s progress.

“We are proud of where Vanfest has come, and will continue to build and bring great artists and entertainment to the Central West to help local businesses thrive.”

The festival is also said to be stepping it up this year with the inclusion of market stalls, pop-up beach bars, interactive sponsor activations, carnival rides, Jacuzzi’s by the stage and more.

Photo Credit: BIG4 Parks

Pre-sale registrations are officially open.  See the full lineup below.  For more information on Vanfest 2017, see their website here.

Vanfest 2017 Lineup

Ali Barter
Amy Shark
Cosmo’s Midnight
Dean Lewis
Dune Rats
San Cisco
Tash Sultana

Ali BarterThundamentalsDean LewisAmy SharkDune RatsVanfestTash SultanaSan CiscoCarmadaCosmo's Midnight
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