Lily Allen Is Back And Everything’s Just Wonderful

Lily Allen Is Back And Everything’s Just Wonderful

Leaning into her progressively LDN r’n’b sound, Lily Allen is back with a new track sure to get you butchering her brilliant British elocution with an undoubtedly okker Aussie inflection.

Hailed as one of UK’s most influential songwriters – heck, if someone can sing ‘F*ck You’ to the FIFA president then the title is well-deserved – Lily Allen has returned with new track ‘Trigger Bang’ featuring iconic London rapper Giggs.

The decidedly r’n’b-influenced ditty opens with a slick verse by Giggs; his gritty timbre the perfect contrast to Lily’s signature trill. Lily steals the show, seamlessly transitioning between her delicate warble and almost spoken-track delivery to hand us one punchy tune. It isn’t difficult to imagine this song as the theme to a new, edgy millennial TV series… and/or the catalyst to another remake of UK favourite Skins.

‘That’s why I can’t hang with the cool gang, everyone’s a trigger, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.’

In a fast-paced world of self-diagnosed ‘addictive personalities’ and a perpetual need to ‘escape’, these lyrics will no doubt resonate with that generation on the cusp of true adulthood. A generational crisis of recreational drug and alcohol dependence, bowing under the weight of society’s crippling expectations and Peter Pan complex denial aside – this song is a likely antidote to that notion we were warned about as kids – peer pressure.

‘And it fuels my addictions / Hanging out in this whirlwind / If you cool my ambitions, I’m gunna cut you out’

With previous hits like ‘Fuck You’, ‘Smile’ and ‘Everything’s Just Wonderful’ Lily is no stranger to a bit of a lyrical TED Talk. Don’t be fooled by the title though, ‘Trigger Bang’ is just as much a motivational composition than the rest – and aurally orgasmic to boot.

Go on, give it a listen and let us know what you think below!

GiggsLily Allen
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