‘After The Lockouts’ Promo: ‘Lockout The Lies’

Over and over we, the public, were told that the nighttime lockouts on licensed venues were needed to keep Sydney-siders safe from random killings. But random attacks can happen anywhere, even during the daytime. So, it’s just not true.

The lockout laws do nothing to stop random violence; but the people of NSW have been brainwashed otherwise.

There needs to be a shift in public thinking, and ongoing pressure put on the NSW State Government to remove these ridiculous, and devastating laws. The Government needs to stand behind the city’s nightlife culture, and work with enlightened parties to transform Sydney into the ‘World’s Best 24 Hour City’ once again.


Head to After The Lockouts and find out how you can play a part in the campaign to make Sydney the World’s Best 24 Hour City.


sydneykeep Sydney openlockout lawsafter the lockoutsSydney Hospitality24 SydneyNSW
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