David Bowie: The AR Experience

David Bowie: The AR Experience

Singer and actor David Bowie will always be remembered for his innovative work. His career was significant and influencing pop music by his music, visual style and stagecraft. 

Photo featured in www.grahaphics.com

Now the music icon’s work has been given the augmented reality treatment; The New York Times has released an AR experience app offering users a closer look at David Bowie’s best costumes.

The app’s purpose is to enhance its print articles and “bring the news into your home.” The latest advance in digital storytelling uses your phone or tablet to create a link between the digital world and the physical one.

“(Augmented reality) is a new pathway that can lead away from the abstract depiction of objects and towards a more visceral sense of real-life scale and physicality,” the Times said.

“Stories that describe our three-dimensional world can be delivered in the round, in front of you. Want a closer look at that sculpture? No need to pinch your phone’s screen to zoom. Just walk up to it. For a different angle, there’s no swiping to the next image. Just walk around it.”

Photo featured in mobile-ar.reality.news

The innovative technology has brought digital journalism to a new level. An engaging way of sharing ideas and storytelling, just by picking up your phone.

The augmented reality presentation takes a look at Bowie’s costumes from Tokyo Pop Jumpsuit, Lighting Bolt Suit, Ashes To Ashes Costume and The 1980 Floorshow Bodysuit.

The AR experience presents a surreal experience examining the ground-breaking costumes of the legendary performer in detail. No doubt fans and music lovers would love the 3D view.

The full AR experience is available only on newer iPhones, iPads and Android phones using the NYTimes app.

What do you think of AR journalism as an innovative way of storytelling?

David Bowieaugmented realityThe New York TimesTokyo Pop JumpsuitAshes To Ashes CostumeThe 1980 Floorshow BodysuitLighting Bolt SuitAR experience
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