Met Gala Roundup: Fashion From the Most Heavenly Night of the Year

Met Gala Roundup: Fashion From the Most Heavenly Night of the Year

Here at FIB we’ve gone and rounded up the most interesting outfit’s from the 2018 met gala so you don’t have to do the work yourself. This year’s theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination” and as the name would suggest, it gifted us with some truly heavenly fashion moments.

Image Credit: Hector Retamal | Getty Images

First we have certified Queen Rihanna who it seems has taken a sacred vow to never disappoint at the Met Gala. This year she came dressed as the literal pope and looked incredible. Once again, Rihanna, you prove that nothing is ugly if you decide it isn’t.

Next up we have the eternally beautiful Blake Lively wearing $2 million worth of jewellery, and a dress which the bodice alone took 600 hours to make. Worth it.

Image Credit: Taylor Hill – Getty Images

No theme could better suit Madonna, who’s always utilised Catholic motifs in her performances and song writing. She gave a surprise performance of “Like a Prayer” at the event which you can catch a glimpse of below.

As expected, Gigi Hadid looked beautiful in a stained glass Versace gown.

Solange managed to pull off whatever this is proving once again that the Knowles family is too good for us, too good for us all.

I’m putting Lena Dunham in this list because I’m genuinely confused by this picture? Does it look like she’s got a bit of an asian style coming through?? Something about the hair makeup? I’m confused because it’s like her face and the dress are two different themes?

I truly do not like Katy Perry but even I have to admit that this Versace gown is amazing. It has actual wings. I am very jealous.

Then there’s Alessandro Michele, Lana Del Rey and Jared Leto all decked out in Gucci. I’m not sure which is more extra, Lana’s googly-eyed opera glasses, or Leto’s embroidered suit and crown.

Image Credit: Getty Images

Last but not least we have Donald Glover AKA Childish Gambino wearing a mauve Gucci suit. To be honest this look isn’t that interesting/unique, I just wanted an excuse to link to his amazing This Is America video which I’ve watched approximately 73 times since it was released two days ago.

Image Credit: Sky News | Getty Images

All in all I think it’s safe to say that this year’s Met Ball definitely inspired the many designers whose work was displayed.

Katy PerryRihannajared letoGigi HadidLena DunhamDonald GloverBlake LivelyMet Ball 2018Solange
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