Oscars 2019 Wrap-Up: Snubs and Surprises

Well, that’s a wrap on awards season for another year. Host-less, and shrouded in controversy, the 2019 Oscars have come and gone, with only a few awkward moments, some surprise wins, and just one tumble off the stage.

Photo Credit: AFP/Getty Images

A couple of weeks ago, we gave our predictions for this year’s most glamorous night-of-nights. As we (and basically everyone) guessed, Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse won Best Animated Feature, and Shallow went home with the award for Best Original Song. No surprises there. Also, in a predictable turn of events, Rami Malek came out on top for Best Lead Actor, and Roma left with the gold for Cinematography, Directing and Foreign Film.

If Marvel wasn’t already happy enough with their global domination, they not only got the first superhero movie into the Best Picture category, but went home with the Oscar for Production Design, Best Original Score, and Costume Design. Regina King got her well-deserved, yet expected trophy for Supporting Actress, and Mahershala Ali won his second Oscar for Supporting Actor.

Photo Credit: BBC

Isn’t it nice when everything goes as expected? No! Time for the surprises, and if Spike Lee has anything to say about it, the night did not go as planned. Before we get to the biggest award of the night, we of course have to mention the quirky and ever-charming Olivia Coleman, who beat out Glenn Close for Best Lead Actress and delivered the best speech of the night. BlackKklansman jubilantly won for Adapted Screenplay, giving us the moment we never knew we needed with Spike Lee jumping onto Samuel L. Jackson – leg wrap and all. His joy was short lived, however, as the end of the night approached and the Best Picture winner was announced. Everyone, FIB included, thought it was between Roma and Bohemian Rhapsody but when Julia Roberts shouted Green Book… there was a general atmosphere of confusion, but feigned celebration. The show just sort of ended abruptly and awkwardly after that and everyone went and got their free food and alcohol. The End.

No… naturally, we couldn’t just end it there without mentioning the most important moments and winners of the night. Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph won for Best Non-Host Host’s, Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga won for Best unwarranted-on-stage chemistry and the Hair and Makeup crew on Vice won for Most Awkward Speech. The night ran pretty smoothly, all the winner’s cards were handled correctly, no one tripped up the stairs (mainly thanks to Chris Evans), and Jason Mamoa wore a pink scrunchie around his wrist. All-in-all a satisfactory night, though not particularly note-worthy. Now, time for us to return to our plebeian lives and wait until next years bash.

What did you think of this year’s Oscar award recipients? Was anyone unjustly denied an award? Let us know what you thought.

lady gagaBradley CooperBlack PantherSpike LeeRami MalekMahershala AliViceOlivia ColemanA Star is BornBohemian RhapsodyThe FavouriteGreen BookRomaOscars 2019The WifeRegina KingBlakKlansmanAlfonso Cuaron
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