Podcasts are turning out to be the superior media format. It may seem like everyone and their nan is recording a podcast but that’s because they’re so well received.

Podcasts are just easy. Chuck on a pair of headphones, connect to your car’s Bluetooth or throw it on while your cleaning the house on a Sunday… There’s podcasts for any topic, in any length, uploaded every day. It’s a versatile format that allows listeners to go about it at their own pace.
As a podcast > music kinda person, I rack up fairly high hours listening to them a week. Here’s some of my favourite entertainment-based ‘casts I think you should give a listen to!
Other People’s Lives
As the name suggests, Other People’s Lives allows weird, wonderful and wacky stories to be told. Hosted by Joe Santagato and Greg Dybec, the podcast is essentially a Q&A phone conversation with an anonymous person they found online. The episodes vary in length, from half an hour to an hour and a half.
The episodes vary in length, ranging from one to two hours in length. The host frequently does multi-parters of more known cases.
My Favorite Murder
They also realise much shorter “minisodes” where Karen and Georgia read hometown murders that have been sent in from fellow murderinos.
And That’s Why We Drink
If you’ve listened to My Favorite Murder before, And That’s Why We Drink might sound a little familiar. Cool, hilarious gals telling spooky stories? We’re a fan. And That’s Why We Drink is hosted by Christine Schiefer, Em Schulz and a box of wine as they recount tales of true crime and the paranormal. I mean, who could think of a better combination than the paranormal and wine?
Shameless, hosted by Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald, is a podcast for “smart women who like dumb stuff”. Think, the best of pop culture and a convo (or 73) about celebs, The Bachelor and everything in between. The Aussie ladies are extremely relatable and hilarious with their casual chats – it’s almost like you’re in a convo with your besties. Episodes are all under an hour and very easy to get lost in.
Amy Schumer Presents: 3 Girls, 1 Keith
Get to know Amy Schumer and her buddies, Rachel Feinstein, Bridget Everett and Keith Robinson, in this hilariously entertaining podcast. The group of acclaimed comedians keep it real as they talk about love, sex, comedy, politics and friendship. It’s a cracker that’s sure to leave you feeling in a fab mood.
The Health Code
Aussie influencer and health obsessed Sarah’s Day and her boyfriend Kurt Tilse present the fun and fab podcast, The Health Code. On this ‘cast, they chat about everything from health and fitness to lifestyles and relationships. The unfiltered free-for-all breaks down some serious tips, tricks and healthy hacks that you need to try out, like yesterday.
Thick & Thin
Fashion Youtube creator and master of the Instagram feed aesthetic, Katy Bellotte is a young 20-something making her way in New York City. Katy chats about love, life and everything in between that a millennial making their mark on the world is experiencing.
My Dad Wrote A Porno
As ridiculous as this sounds, My Dad Wrote A Porno is a hilariously unique podcast. You have to give at least one episode a go. Hosted by Jamie Morton, James Cooper, and Alice Levine, the episodes follow Jamie as he reads chapters from the amateur erotic novels penned by his father. James and Alice provide much needed comedic relief and reactions to the ultra-cringe that is being shared.
The Basement Yard
Another Joe Santagato classic. The Basement Yard is hosted by Joe and newly appointed co-host, even though he’s been there for the better part of a year, Danny LoPriore. TBY is just a couple of guys having a chat about the most absolute random stuff you could ever think. Seriously, they jump from topic to topic so fast.
Episodes never cover anything too serious and you’re guaranteed to be laughing throughout the entire hour long episodes.
We’d love to know what you think of these podcasts or if you have any other’s that we must listen to. Let us know in the comments!