Style Planet TV Promotional Film

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Welcome to Style Planet TV; where your film dreams become a reality.

SPTV is an award winning film production business headquartered in Sydney, Australia. They believe in the magical power of film based storytelling.

SPTV are a full service film production company, with years of experience, extensive production resources, and a vast network of industry connections to realise any kind of creative vision. They make cinematic quality short films for mobile devices, as well as award winning feature length films and documentaries.

SPTV is part of the DESIRE GROUPE which was founded in 1993. The DESIRE GROUPE is now a ground breaking digital agency (DESIRE DIGITAL AGENCY), a global digital media business (Fashion Industry Broadcast) and a bespoke film studio (Style Planet TV). The three business units operate separately or in unison depending on the project at hand. Together they offer a unique and innovative suite of solutions for brands and businesses looking to dominate their markets in the digital age.

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Style Planet TV
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