‘Incels’ Prepared to Lose a Rib or smash a clavicle all in the Pursuit of Vanity

‘Incel’ is the abbreviation for a strange new demographic or males who are ‘Involuntarily celibate’. A group who is prepared to go to radical extremes to appear more attractive.

But rather than just being shallow and insecure, they are also really nasty. Many would call their ideas and methods quite insane.


David Gandy is an example of what Incels want to look like. Photo Credit: davidgandy_official

Incels are a subsect of the ad-hoc coalition of men´s groups online, known as the “manosphere”. Their new update is that they have been signing up for plastic surgery, like rib removal, clavicle bone breakage, facial “masculinization” and supersized testicle implants.

This group of men has been known for initiating violent revolutions and committing terrorist attacks because they are having trouble having sexual relationships.

Elliot Rodger is a 22-year-old man who killed six people in California´s Isla Vista in 2014, as an at of retribution against the sexually active. Another case is Alex Minassian, the man who committed a vehicle-ramming attack in Toronto in 2014.

The incel group of men considers that the only thing holding them back from having relationships are their looks.

Before his killing spree, Elliot Rodger recorded a video where he said: “I don’t know what you don’t see in me,” I’m the perfect guy. And yet you throw yourselves at all these obnoxious men instead of me, the supreme gentleman. “I will punish all of you for it. On the day of retribution … I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up blond s***.”

Elliot Rodger.
Photo Credit: https://www.abc.net.au/news/

According to an investigation from New York magazine, cosmetic surgery among males has risen 325 percent between 1997 and 2015 in the USA.

Incels have obsessive and constant surgeries and use internet forums, where they use photo manipulation software to transform each other’s selfies into Chad and Brads (free range versions of which include male models David Gandy, Jordan Barrett, among others). They consider that if they look like the celebrities they will succeed with women.

One wonders how this trend will all play out.
David GandyIncels
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