After The Lockouts II: Gladys’ War On Music- Final Film Trailer

After The Lockouts II: Gladys’ War On Music- Final Film Trailer

This film’s message is bigger than a study of an ill-conceived Government’s War on Music, or how crazy laws killed a Sydney’s nightlife, our message is this; these days you cannot trust your Government to act in the best interests of the people it was elected to represent.

You cannot rely on the Corporate media to tell you the truth, and you never know who is in who’s back pocket. Just because there is a law in place, doesn’t necessarily make it right, and it doesn’t mean you have to cop it. There are things you can do about it and this is exactly the reason the Laws on Festivals were deemed illegal in the first go round, and why the Lockouts look set to be repealed.

It was because of the people, those who organised, protested and pushed back. Sometimes the best thing to do, the only thing to do, is to fight the power. And this fight needs to be ongoing and vigilant. Word is that Gladys is about to make a second attempt at some crazy Music Festival legislation.

This is no time to be apathetic, stand up, speak out, join a protest group, march, rally, write letters, because what you do matters. I’d like to think that like Greta Thunberg says, “people are waking up”.

Music Festival legislation
Strip Searches
Sniffer Dogs
Pill Testing
Pay for Play
Casino’s, problem gambling, violence

There are still a lot of insidious tentacles of the NSW “Nanny State” that need to be cut off. This fight is not over, and requires ongoing action and vigilance.

A big thank you to all those who appeared and helped in the making of this film.
Paul G Roberts Founder DESIRE GROUPE
Deputy Mayor of Sydney Jess Scully
Premier Gladys Berejiklian
Tyson Koh Keep Sydney Open
Evelyn Richardson CEO Live Performance Australia
Cr Jess Miller
Julian Hamilton The Presets
Jane Slingo EMC
Kamran Ahmed Psychiatrist
Rave Reviewz
Murray Cook The Wiggles
Adelle Robinson Fuzzy
Gordon Bradbury Mayor of Woollongong
Dave Faukner Hoodoo Gurus
Peter Noble Bluesfest

Link to the first full Lockouts Film AFTER THE LOCKOUTS – The Search for Sydney’s Missing Nightlife

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sydneykeep Sydney openlockout lawsGladys BerejiklianAfter The Lockouts II: Gladys' War on Music
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