Here’s Everything We Know About The Parks And Rec Reboot

Here’s Everything We Know About The Parks And Rec Reboot

The Parks and Recreation fandom went in to overdrive this weekend when Amy Poehler announced that the cast would be returning to our screens this Thursday (GMT-4) for a “Very Special Parks and Rec”. 

Parks and Rec Cast Photo Credit:

Rumours have circulated about the possibility of a Parks and Rec reunion since the show ended in early 2015. In fact, every member of the core cast has expressed an interest in getting the gang back together in interviews since the finale. In a recent appearance in Vanity Fair,  Poehler stated;

“I want it [a reunion] too much”.

Last year, the cast got back together to celebrate the ten year anniversary of the premier, and they again teased fans about the possibility of a reboot. Series creator Michael Schur, also of The Office and Brooklyn Nine-Nine fame, said that every core cast member would have to say yes for the reboot to happen. It looks like that day may have finally come.

So here’s what we know about the return of Parks and Rec.

Is it a new season?

Unfortunately, no. Parks and Rec is only returning for a 30 minute special to help raise money to battle the coronavirus epidemic. But beggars can’t be choosers.

The full cast of misfit characters return to shoot the episode, which is all filmed from the safety of their own homes. Of course, considering that most of the cast ended the series in solid relationships, it might be a bit strange that they are all separated- but I’m sure Schur will have thought of a fun reason as to why Ben and Leslie, April and Andy, and Ann and Chris are all quarantined away from their significant others.

Prediction: The boys went on an overseas holiday together, to do manly activities like eat steak and drink beer, and so now they all have to self isolate for two weeks. Ron will think it’s paradise but Chris Traeger will be going crazy without his heavily regimented exercise routine.

The Ron Swanson Handbook. Photo Credit:

When will it air and how do I watch it?

The episode will air this Thursday, April 30th on NBC, and is available to stream the next day. So for Aussies, we should be able to catch it this Friday!

Amy Poehler stars as Leslie Knope. Credit:

Finding a place to watch it online (legally) might prove a little bit harder for those in Australia, but when there’s a will there’s a way. Despite Amazon Prime, Foxtel and Stan all hosting Parks and Rec on their streaming platform- there has been no word yet as to when the special will be aired on these sites. I’m confident that it will join these collections at some point, but the wait between when episodes air to their appearance on these platforms usually takes an annoyingly long time.

The best alternative I can suggest at the time, is investing in a VPN. A VPN is totally legal software which tricks your computer into thinking you’re in another country, and it is relatively cheap. I use SurfShark, and pay $3.09 a month for 24 months.


Will it be as good as the Parks and Rec we all know and love?

One of the dangers with bringing a beloved TV show back is that the chemistry no longer works (I’m looking at you, Gilmore Girls). Parks and Rec finished on top, before the quality of the script or the acting had a chance to deteriorate. So bringing the show back now is scary. The legacy of the program is at stake.

Rashida Jones and Amy Poehler as Ann Perkins and Leslie Knope respectively. Photo Credit:

Except, with such a strong writing team and an incredible cast, fans can be pretty confident that they are in safe hands. Personally, I’m not worried. I don’t think Poehler or Schur would have agreed to bring the show back if they didn’t believe in the quality of the episode.

For a massive fan of the show, I can’t wait to revisit my favourite pawnee residents and see how quarantine is treating them. In fact, this Parks and Rec revival is one of the few silver linings in the catastrophe that is Coronavirus.

Happy watching, I hope you enjoy it as much as I will.

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