The End of Modernity in Fashion

What will fashion look like in the future in a post pandemic world? How will fashion change? Will we see a new trend? And how will the theme of staying home shape our fashion? 

Photo Credit: New York Times


Fashion has often led us to some interesting surprises but has rarely experienced a shock such as this. Fashion shows have been a stable industry from their beginnings in the 1950s, and yet for the first time; we’ve had countless fashion shows cancelled and the factories manufacturing the products shut down. This shock is unlike previous industry upheavals, luxury designers are seeking emergency help, whilst department stores are going bankrupt.


What is modernity?

We must first look at the concept of modern fashion or modernity. Modern means the latest thing since the 16th Century, and is a notion of something that claims or masquerades as ‘forever young’. But the question is; when is modernity updated or overshadowed?

As we go through another crisis, it’s worth analyzing how each of them shaped the arts, music and fashion. It can be seen after the first world war, the Spanish Flu led to the rise of veils in America, jazz music as well strange features like the flapper dress and Oxford Bags.

It’s in times where the emergency ends and a new era emerges, new tastes emerge.

New trends emerged like Christine Dior’s ‘New Look’, a change from the shapeless nature in the radical 1920s and 30s. Dior defined wearable beauty until Yves Saint took the label of modernity in the 60s.

This isn’t a coincidence as the 60s were a radical and violent time of upheaval. It’s in times where the emergency ends and a new era emerges, new tastes emerge. Perhaps at the time we remain at home in our pyjamas, on our laptops during Skype calls, wear our masks, will a new modernity should emerge? 

It’s in times of shock where the old world collapses, a new beginning is defined.

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