If you are interested in sustainable living and environmentally friendly buying, you may be familiar with slow fashion. If not, it’s time for you to find out more and discover your way to support.

We are working together for changes that make our planet eco-friendlier. What is your way of saving our planet? Some people may use reusable bags for grocery shopping or save water and electricity, and these are some small ways that can reduce the ever-mounting waste that is harming the world. But some of us are even more conscious by trying to be the part of slow fashion train and changing the way we shop our clothing. By purchasing brands that go for a more sustainable approach in manufacturing the garments, we can make use of the eco-friendly fabrics and non-toxic dyes.
Slow Fashion is a term created by Kate Fletcher of the Centre of Sustainable Fashion. It is an awareness and approach to fashion considering the processes and resources. Its clothing are sustainably made from high-quality materials and rooted back to local craftsmanship. Garments are generally made in a classic timeless design which you can wear year-round and never go out of style. These put emphasis on the art of clothes making and celebrate the skills of the craftspeople.
“Developing a garment with a cultural & emotional connection is also pertinent to the purpose behind slow fashion, therefore consumers will keep an article of clothing for longer than one season if they feel emotionally or culturally connected to the article of clothing,” Kate stated.

Approach sustainable DIY clothing for your wardrobe
Crochet seems to appear on the runway in different fashion cycles with its ironic granny square. Crochet clothing is the first door that opens you to the world of slow fashion by the early process of making clothes. And it will never be a hard thing if you can sew, knot and knit.
When you decided to dedicate your time and crochet skills to a project, firstly you will choose or create a design that you want to make. This initial step already ignites an emotional and cultural connection with us. For example, you crochet a baby blanket for your niece, creating a bond with the item. As well as the finished blanket brings you a strong emotional connection that is precious.
Next, choosing the yarn. Instead of buying cheaper synthetic yarns, try to aim for a high-quality yarn like wool, cotton or linen. The yarn not only make your item look and feel good, but it will also allow your lovely made cloth last longer. A little step further, try to choose yarn from sustainable materials such as eco and organic. Alternatively, if it is not an option for you, try to buy yarn from some local small business.
A final step before you start: when you have decided on your pattern and yarn, remember to follow your crochet idea that you will be able to wear over and over again. As you make with your own hand, every crochet clothing is unique as no machine can replicate crochet. You are going to keep it for more than one season and possibly make it to be a treasured item that can pass to the next generation.
Make a difference
The last few years, the fashion industry is full of real truths about its harmful implication on the planet. Yet, we can now implement a more sustainable approach to make clothes. As a crocheter, knitter or anyone who buy clothes, we are all helping to build the wall of slow fashion. It’s a long way to go for the journey towards a slow fashion lifestyle but if you are interested, start now!
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