Lucky Blue Smith Confirmed to Star in the New Netflix Series ‘BOYS- Rise of The Male Supermodel’

Fashion Industry Broadcast and Desire Groupe are thrilled to announce that actor, model, and musician, Lucky Blue Smith, has signed on to the highly anticipated new series: ‘BOYS- Rise of The Male Supermodel.’

Photo Credit: Teen Vogue


Lucky Blue Smith’s million dollar smile and Bowie-reminiscent aesthetic has helped him secure his rock-star image in the international fashion industry with recognition as a model, actor, and musician under his belt at the ripe age of 22.

Lucky grew up in much more humble circumstances, born into a Mormon family in Utah, he was first scouted at the age of 10, when he hadnʼt yet grown into his buck teeth, itʼs been a meteoric rise from there.

Lucky Blue had his sights on the music industry long before he began making his mark in the modelling industry, forming a band with his siblings in Utah. ‘The Atomics’ is a surf-rock band made up of siblings, Lucky Blue, Pyper America, Starlie, and Daisy Clementine.


“People get confused because they’re like, you guys are all models trying to do music, but no, you’re getting it wrong,” says Lucky. “We were musicians and then came out to LA to do music, and then there were opportunities to model so we took it.”

When the family packed up and moved out to Hollywood to support the kid’s music, their career’s seemed to take a different direction; with all siblings flaunting their knack for modelling.


Photo Credit: Teen Vogue


Recent technologies have ever-changed the worlds of fashion and modelling, as now digital platforms like Instagram offer instant access and a global scale of influence, and Lucky has surfed this wave well.

Lucky Blue is the poster boy for the Instagram generation, and whilst he didnʼt begin his career with the platform, he has quickly mastered the use of it. Models who have massive social followings are not just thoroughbred clothes horses, they come as fully packaged media phenomenons.



The ensemble cast of our Series have that something special that has allowed them to stand toe to toe in an industry dominated by the Glamazons of the opposite sex. They are trailblazers and trendsetters. They have both set and broken records for their sex in the business. Most of whom fell into the industry quite by accident, theyʼve left some deep imprints along the way, altering the perception of male beauty standards.


The men depicted within this series have more than their faces on billboards, and names sewn into the fabric of brands. They have built legends and left legacies, and itʼs precisely why they deserve to be called ‘Supermodelsʼʼ just like their famous female counterparts.

The 13 hour Series starts filming in early 2021 and will feature no less than 13 one hour episodes each on an icon of the male modelling world.

Tyson’s Manager Bethann Hardison was instantly struck by the Series concept and was a huge help getting this deal done quickly.

To stay up to date with the exciting new series ‘Rise of The Male Supermodel’ featuring Tyson Beckford, subscribe to FIB’s Weekly Alchemy Report and visit Fashion Industry Broadcast

#netflix#Lucky Blue SmithBlue SteelRise of the Male Supermodel
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