Disease and Isolation: How Will Australia Handle Long Covid?

Disease and Isolation: How Will Australia Handle Long Covid?

Long Covid is a possible effect of the COVID-19 epidemic when symptoms of the disease mutate or last longer. Other signs include chest and heart issues, rashes, fatigue and numbness. As infection rates of Omnicron increase, so does the threat of long Covid.

Long Covid defies understanding as sufferers despair | Financial TimesCredit: FT Montage

Australia today is struggling with the intense infection rate of the Omnicron variant of Covid-19. On top of the health pandemic is an underlying issue. The natural increase of Long Covid cases comes with a heavy set of trials. Many will have to work with the fatigue and breathing issues. A brand strategist, Danielle Steele, stated that the health issues affected her concentration, causing her to under-perform. Steele also noted she’s unsure of her own infection rate. The long period is confusing to those who want to do what’s right and keep others safe. They do not know when or if they should stop quarantining.

On top of the lengthy health issues, long covid can affect social and mental well-being too. Many are afraid of interacting with those who have long Covid, creating an atmosphere of isolation and segregation for the unlucky few. The fear is so extreme, there can be a stigma against simply coughing.

“It’s bad enough that you have to isolate once you have it, but now there’s the fear of people who have had COVID, and with Long COVID there is ongoing social isolation. It’s more than just physical, it’s also social wellbeing.”

Tynique Dimcevska, a content officer, tells VICE.

A Light for The Future

I could barely function' – the devastating effects of long COVID - The Pharmaceutical JournalCredit: The Pharmaceutical Journal

Thankfully, there is a chance for long Covid patients. A study from the University of New South Wales’ Kirby Institute, may hold hope for Australia. The institute states that they have found a set of proteins that can aid in treatment for prolonged Covid. In addition, The United Kingdom has functioned as an example of successful data tracking when it comes to long Covid. The People suffering from it will be known and someone may address properly their struggles.

Despite the still constant increase of Omnicron, Australia will fully open its borders to the world on the 21 of February. This travel will only be available to fully vaccinated tourists. Previously, visitors from New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Japan were exempt from the restrictions.

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