Fragility never looked so strong: Fragile Minds Launches their Sixth Addition to their cutting-edge collection

Fashion Industry Broadcast was lucky enough to sit down with Josh Lee. Arguably one of Sydney’s most innovative designers, Josh launches his latest instalment for Fragile Minds. The new collection boasts an impressive feature of 11 pockets, 46 patterned pieces per short’s and an astonishing 36 patterned pieces per shirt. This collection allows Josh’s technical ability of skill and style to shine through. The Sydney-based designer expresses that this collection is his “best work by far”.
Fashion has given the Sydney designer a sense of direction. What started as a T-shirt band, bloomed into what josh proclaims as “the best representation of his skill set so far”. With a prior focus on cut and sew pieces, the brand’s latest drop shifts attention to diversifying and portraying their skillset. Josh comments on what changed in comparison to earlier collections, he says;
“Its evolved quite a bit, I feel like my brand has been looked at as a T-shirt brand… my skills have definetly gotten alot better, ive always had the ability to to make this stuff for probably the last year and half. Ive basically held myself back from deadlines, collabs… just not being able to have full creative control. “
Learning Curves

If you’ve followed Josh’s work, you’ll know that Fragile Minds operates independently from his apartment in Sydney. Although the process wasn’t always easy, Josh shares what he has learnt along the way. He says;
” I ran into a lot of issues, because everyone has different styles of making… when you’re an independent making out room, not everything is textbook.
So what I’ve learned is I do need to keep things in house in my apartment but still use the same people, just have it in the house ’cause a big lesson for me throughout this collection is learning how to manage people and delegate work properly.
It is something that I’m still learning, and a lot of mistakes were made but im glad I made those mistakes because it taught me I do need quality control and I do need to be able to oversee everything throughout every step…”
A Seamless blend of Art, Music, Culture and Fashion
A refreshing insight into a young creatives process, Josh details working with nearly 70 different creatives to help bring this collection to life. His latest launch show in line with the collection drop was a seamless blend of art, music, culture and Fashion.
Fragile Minds Launch Recap | Credit: film and edit, @Fragileminds
A true innovator, josh shares the creative process behind what went into the cultivation of this launch show. He says;
“…My vision was just do something for the community. I really wanted to make noise and reinstate my brand. I feel like the last three collections I’ve done prior to this felt like the brands being kind of following in a more commercial route, where it’s just get this done- put it out- get this done put it out-… it was feeling very mechanical. With that, I feel like the brand had lost its substance about it, it was lacking character in my opinion.
I wanted to reinstate that character through the campaign and through the launch. So, I try to do is encapsulate what the brand is, so obviously it is a DIY brand… everything is done in-house at my house.
I wanted to somehow involve people in the process. I had live screen printing on-site, and I also tried to through the runway encapsulate all the different aspects of fragile personality. Whether it be its Korean culture with modelling or skateboarding; with my friend skating off my car, or crime and vandalism… getting my car grafted’ on. I tried to really show the brand’s character through the event. “
Triumphs and Tribulations
This collection brought many firsts times for the young Sydney Designer. From experiencing the trials and tribulations of setbacks, scheduling, timing issues and struggles with mental health, Josh shares how he overcame these issues. He says;
The way I overcame it is; although being overwhelmed with all these stresses and I guess the sense of loss of purpose in a way and direction ever so… the one thing I realized is:
What I do is ingrained in me.
When I don’t do it, I’m depressed, I feel like a waste of space. I feel like I have to be working towards something. And although sometimes working towards something can be so stressful and can be very adverse and just scary… I wouldn’t be who I am if I weren’t doing those things. I think that’s something that I’ve constantly had to remind myself…”
With the rebirth of the brand, the Fragile Minds innovator hopes that people connect with the character of the brand in light of the brand’s latest collection drop. Through the campaign, the aim was to encapsulate three of Fragile Mind’s main characteristics.
Josh’s creative approach sort to convey character through his shoots and videos. His stylistic approach aimed to incorporate humour in his videos in hopes to reach a wider audience. The inventive shoots included 20 people crew and collaborations between a variety of different creatives including Sydney-based Korean rap group 1300.
1300 Shoot | Credit: Farnoz
The Sydney designer highlights the importance of these videos. He says:
“… I really tried to make these videos as authentic as possible, using authentic people that actually do these things… In a way that was my way of encapusulating the community as well, and bring attention to all aspects of the community.”
From Seoul to Sydney
Fragile Mind’s experimental take shines through its unique and indifferent street-style look. An infusion of culture and style. The Sydney designer incorporates his roots in “From Seoul to Sydney”. This latest collection takes an authentic genuine approach to rebranding.
On the come up, this collection signifies change. Josh tributes much of his inspiration for his designs from those around him.
The young creative praises the work of his two interns Eric and Harrison. Josh muses; “I’ve never had people that care about the brand as much as me, these people live and breathe this. The passion and drive they have for this is really rejuvenating and inspiring.”
Fellow designer and close friend Dallas Hurts inspires him motivationally and through their skills as they continue to grow and learn things from each other.
Inspiration and Influences
The Fragile Minds designer warmly adds his late friend Saik was a huge inspiration. The fellow creative gave him the confidence to pursue his brand. Josh says;
“…He basically was the person to make me believe in myself and make me believe that this was a thing. He was already in the industry prior to me meeting him and had already a pretty big following and had a lot of influence on the youth of Sydney…
He just gave me a lot of invaluable things that really drive me and have gotten into this point today, so I’d say those two are my biggest inspirations.”
Externally much of Fragile Mind’s designs are influenced by brands such as Asspizza and Designer Pheonix Guerrero or better known through his Instagram persona @joy_divizn. Josh adds;
“…I remember when I first started I saw a video of this guy screen printing shirts. Prior to that I had no experience and no idea that you could make close out at home.That definitely was a big driving factor.Seeing that really inspired me to do that.”
What’s Next
In light of Fragile Minds Latest drop, Josh aims to stay consistent in hopes to leverage the movement made after the last launch.
“…This collection I really do want to stay active and I think the way of doing that is I’ve kind of formulated myself new structure.
I’ve decided that I’m only going to do 2 season collections whether it be summer spring summer or autumn winter every year and in between that I’ll be doing single drops just to stay consistent and stay relevant.
On the business side of things, that’s the goal. On the other side, I think it’s really important for me to kind of just recoupe now and reevaluate my direction and where I want to go, what I want to do, how I want to do it… and alot of thinking.
This innovative line represents a modern take on ethical, made-from-scratch fashion. The attempts of Fragile Minds to establish a self-sustaining community invite creatives alike to participate in what is not only just another fashion brand but a movement.
Shop Fragile Mind’s latest collection, available on their website here.