The Australian Government will ban e-cigarettes by implying a heavy set of controls on imports and packaging to discourage vaping, especially among teens, under its major smoking reforms in more than a decade. This change hopes to prevent an upcoming generation of nicotine addicts.

Credit: ABC

According to Australia’s Alcohol and Drug Foundation, almost 80 per cent of under 25’s have tried vaping, and the number of daily and monthly e-cigarette users is growing.

Youth Vaping

In the interview of ABC health minister, Mark Butler, he explains that one in six teenagers ages 14 to 17 have tried vaping. Meanwhile, one in four people ages 18 to 24 have also tried the smoking alternative. Moreover, the more shocking news is the widespread availability of these products across Australia. Four in five teenagers say they can get vapes in their local retail stores without question.

Credit: Butte Youth Now

In fact, vaping has become the top 1 behavioural issue in high schools across Australia.  Nicotine-addicted students reportedly struggle with concentration and behaviour and need to leave class to vape. And more seriously, it is becoming widespread in primary schools.

According to a heath report, Victoria’s poisons hotline has taken 50 calls about children under four becoming sick from ingesting or using a vape.

“Just like they did with smoking, big tobacco has taken another addictive product, wrapped it in shinny packaging and added flavours to create a new generation of nicotine addicts’ – the health minister mentioned.

A Public Disaster

Photo by Nezy Zarate | Credit: Unsplash

The Public Heath Association of Australia’s CEO, Terry Slevin, describes vaping as a public heath disaster. He said the reforms is necessary and “would see Australia re-establish itself as a world leader” in tobacco and vaping control.

Australia’s Biggest Smoking Reform In A Decade

On Tuesday next week, Heath Minister Mark Butler is announcing a $234 million boost in this month’s budget . This makes way for more strict regulation of e-cigarettes, including new controls on their importation and packaging. A big budget is going to help Australians to quit vaping; with over $41 million earmarked for a national information campaign aimed at youth.

At first, e-cigarettes were a product to help smokers quit tobacco. Teens and even young children are taking up vaping as an addictive habit globally.

“Vaping was sold to government and communities around the world as a therapeutic product to help long-term smokers quit… It was not sold as a recreational product – in particular not one for our kids. But that is what it has become – the biggest loophole in Australian history” –

Butler says.

A Growing Black Market

To tackle the growing black market, the government is increasing the product standards for vapes. This includes the limitation of flavours and colours. In detail, they are going to require pharmaceutical – like packaging. Also, a reduction in the nicotine concentrations and volumes, and ban either single-use or disposable vapes.

“No more vapes deliberately disguised as highlighter pens for kids to be able to hide them in pencil cases”

Butler explains.

In the meantime, the government is set to work closely with the state and territories. Their aim is to shut down the sale of vape in retail and convenience stores. Australian Council on Smoking and Health’s co-CEO; Laura Hunter, mentions it is encouraging to see a government take decisive action against a harmful industry.

The Australian government is making it easier to obtain a prescription, however. This is for smokers trying to quit tobacco. At the same time, strong standards are set to be introduced around vaping products in pharmacies. This is so that people can be assured of the contents inside the products.

“E-cigarettes can be prescribed under the careful supervision of a GP to help [patients] give up smoking”

explains Butler. He adds that the tobacco industry is trying to create a new generation of nicotine addicts. Finally he adds, that he is “determined to stamp out this public health menace”.

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