This time rather than take the quick route via air travel I am doing a more elaborate overland series of journeys by rail through some of my favourite South East Asian countries.

Singapore to Bangkok Thailand.

Bangkok to Luang Prabang Laos.

Luang Prabang to Hanoi Vietnam.

Then finally Hanoi to Hong Kong.

This is going to be a real adventure.

I’m super excited about my rail journeys. I want to see how the various rail options are working in the modern day.

The Eastern Oriental Railway (EOR) is a historic railway line that runs from Bangkok, Thailand to Singapore, passing through Malaysia. The railway has a rich history that dates back to the late 19th century and played a significant role in the development of Southeast Asia.

The idea for the Eastern Oriental Railway was first proposed in the 1880s, when British colonial officials were looking for ways to improve transportation and communication between their colonies in Southeast Asia. The railway was intended to link the cities of Bangkok and Singapore, passing through the Malay Peninsula and connecting with other major towns and cities along the way.

Construction of the railway began in the 1890s, with work being carried out by British engineers and laborers. The railway was a massive undertaking, involving the construction of bridges, tunnels, and tracks through some of the most challenging terrain in Southeast Asia. The project was also beset by numerous challenges, including tropical diseases, harsh weather conditions, and political unrest in some areas.

Despite these challenges, the railway was completed in 1910, and it quickly became a major transportation hub for the region. The railway was used to transport goods and people between Thailand and Singapore, as well as other parts of Southeast Asia. The railway was also popular with tourists, who were drawn to the scenic beauty of the route and the luxurious amenities offered on board.

One of the most famous trains to run on the Eastern Oriental Railway was the Eastern and Oriental Express, which is the one I am taking to Bangkok.

It was launched in 1993. The Eastern and Oriental Express is a luxury train that offers passengers a glimpse into the golden age of train travel. The train features elegant cabins, fine dining, and a range of onboard amenities, including a bar and lounge.


paul g roberts
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