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The advertising world thrives on being able to turn heads and grab people’s attention in a split second, and in today’s grossly over saturated over messaged mediascape they need more than just a sharp photo. They need that image to smack the viewer in the face and stay in their memory. In this Fashion Industry Broadcast’s 2015 Annual Masters of Photography – Australians, we have carefully curated the work and vision of 20 amazing artists. Even though they all
started their careers in Australia, many have now moved to base themselves in the bigger international markets of NYC, Paris etc. Some are veterans who have been at the very highest level for years, and some are less-known names who could just go on to become the next big thing. Clearly, when we spoke to each of the artists, We asked them about what they thought were the leading issues facing a top-level photographer today.


Much in photography has changed since the digital revolution arrived. The days of a professional photographer being part of an elite underground darkroom society are long past. These days, chances are your neighbours’ 12-year-old son can light a portrait as competently as most professional photographers. Today, everyone
is a part-time photographer, and a large percentage is pretty good at it. In this Fashion Industry Broadcast’s 2015 Annual: Masters of Photography – Australians, we have carefully curated the work and vision of 16 amazing artists. Even though they all started their careers in Australia, many have now moved to base themselves in the bigger international markets of NYC, Paris etc. Some are veterans and some are less-known names who could just go on to become the next big thing. We asked each artist to select some of their favourite images, and then we asked them about what they thought were the leading issues facing a top-level photographer today.


The Masters of Photography series could well be the most extensive and complete publishing initiative ever released on this subject.