Cool TV Vol. 80 Golden Age Web-Doco: Game Of Thrones

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Fashion Industry Broadcast is proud to unveil our new bespoke film making division. We make rich media content for mobile devices, we create short and also feature length films and documentaries, we create and publish from our vast catalogue of art books, eBooks, apps for mobile devices. All of our book titles are soon to be available as feature length film documentaries, as well as innovative 5 minute “Web-Doco’s”. Our “Web-Doco” library alone features over 2,000 FIB titles. You can find them on iTunes, You Tube, Vimeo, and soon Netflix and Foxtel.

Our 5 minute “Web-Doco’s” are the perfect way to learn about and explore our content before you buy the books.

With increasing fervour Fashion Industry Broadcast is nearing the launch of our Cool TV book series. Vol. 80 Golden Age will the celebrate the shows that transformed the modern face of television to become more than entertainment but an embedded fabric of society. In this series we examine and analyse these shows to find out what made them so special for contemporary audiences. In order to whet the appetite for the full-length volume we have created cutting edge “Web-Doco’s” on each show.

ThronesJoin us as we count down to Cool TV Vol. 80 Golden Age.

Today we look at Game of Thrones

The very definition of a fantasy epic, Game of Thrones has consumed the world like an inescapable fever. Placing a decidedly unnerving mirror to our own society, the core idea within this medieval world is that “all men must die”. This is what intrigues viewers. People are not used to confronting death, and they’re especially not prepared to see their heroes fall by the wayside, as they often do in George R. R Martin’s realm.

See the web-doco above!


Writer: Natalia Wikana

Film: Jordan Weir

game of thronesweb-docoCool TVGolden Age
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