It’s been years since we’ve seen a good comedy and after numerous films attempting at humour – is Adam Sandler’s The Ridiculous Six next?
The film, which is currently in production, is supposed to be satire on Western films but a dozen Native American actors (including extras and a cultural advisor) stormed out in protest due to some parts of the script that disrespected and misrepresented their culture, women and elders. An example of these offences is the names of some characters including Beaver Breath and No Bra.

“Nothing has changed. We’re still just Hollywood Indians.” Alison Young, one of the actors who left the set, said in response to the stereotypes being portrayed in the film. “I didn’t want to cry but the feeling just came over me. This is supposed to be a comedy that makes you laugh. A film like this should not make someone feel this way.”
The group voiced their concerns, only to be told by the producer: “If you are so sensitive, you should leave.” Netflix, the film’s distributor, defended the offensive content: “The movie has ridiculous in the title for a reason: because it is ridiculous. It is a broad satire of Western movies and the stereotypes they popularized, featuring a diverse cast that is not only part of—but in on—the joke.”
As if there weren’t enough jokes about Native Americans in film already. Plus satire is a social commentary designed to draw attention and improvement. Based on responses from both sides and the script, The Ridiculous Six seems to lack this function. It’s unknown if the film will proceed without the Native American actors or if a negotiation will take place.