Netflix has finally put us out of our misery and announced the release date for season 3 of BoJack Horseman. Come July 22nd audiences will once again be able to enjoy the nuanced, surprisingly existential and visually spectacular animated comedy.

Staring Arrested Development’s Will Arnett as well as Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul, Community’s Alison Brie and all round funny people Amy Sedaris and Paul F Tompkins the series follows Bojack, a 90’s sitcom star (who also happens to be a horse) as he struggles with life after the spotlight and the relationships he barely holds on to. The Season 2 hiatus left a horse shaped void in our hearts, having watched BoJack make the transition to a ‘serious acting role’, battle his ongoing alcoholism and self sabotage and run up a hill only to collapse in a lesson in perseverance. Sombre as it sounds the show is jammed packed with laughs, guest stars and animal based puns which I assure you do NOT get old.
Created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg the show originally aired to mixed reviews though really found it’s footing in the second half of the first season. While not circulating the popularity of other Netflix originals such as Orange is the New Black and House of Cards the series did make it onto the A.V Club’s list of Top 20 Shows.
The series is one of many adult animations that have gained both critical acclaim and wide fanbases. Bob’s Burgers, Rick and Morty and Archer have dominated the market for the past few years and while BoJack still has some catching up to do in regard to recognisability the show’s attributes range from quick wit to stunning art design. Lisa Hanawalt, an old friend of Waksberg was brought on in the early stages of the show and in many ways is accountable for the quirky and colour filled vibe of the show. In an interview released around the beginning of the show she explained how the ‘HollyWoo’ universe came to life.
Actually, BoJack himself was an effortless design. I just knew immediately what his face looked like, what kind of clothes he wore.” – Lisa Hanawalt.
The animation was the first of it’s kind on Netflix and is set to continue pulling at heartstrings and sending us into uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you haven’t already you can watch season 1 – 2 on Netflix now.