Having landed a high note with six emmy nominations, Sherlock The Abominable Bride has achieved great notoriety and fans are more eager than ever for season 4.

An image teaser for season 4 was recently released and fans have gone into a frenzy of speculation and debate as to what that means for upcoming episodes. The picture in question features Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) and a yet unnamed bloodhound. Fans who have read the works of Arthur Conan Doyle speculate that the dog is Toby, a faithful hound that assisted the detective in “The Sign of Four”. In the books John Watson described the canine as an
Though he is not featured in the image, Martin Freeman is also returning to reprise the role of the sidekick Dr. John Watson. Numerous other familiar faces are also scheduled to return including Mrs. Watson (Amanda Abbington, Martin Freeman’s real life partner) Mycroft Holmes (Mark Gatiss) and Mrs. Hudson (Una Stubbs). Jim Moriarty is also scheduled to return but in what capacity it is still unknown, he died, no he’s alive, no he’s really dead, no wait he’s alive.

Along with the old faces come the new, actor Toby Jones is scheduled to play a villain in the upcoming season but again it’s still early and any juicy details on that front are forthcoming.
Still there are ongoing concerns among the show’s creators that the upcoming season may be the last. Steven Moffat, one of the writers of the show stated that Cumberbatch and Freeman’s high demand will make the filming of seasons beyond the next very tricky.
In an interview with the Telegraph, creator Steven Moffat said,
“I don’t know how long we can keep it going. I’m personally willing, but I’m hardly the main draw. I would be moderately surprised if this was the last time we ever made this show. But it absolutely could be.”
The premiere dates for season 4 have yet to be announced but according to the rumormill, don’t expect anything until early 2017.