I know, I know, Game of Thrones Season 7 is ages away, which just intensifies our ongoing post-GoT-syndrome. However, in the meantime here are 7 reasons to continue the hype for season 7 (WARNING: Spoilers ahead)…
1. Daenerys’ Return
We last saw our rightful Queen Daenerys sailing towards Westeros with her impressive large fleet, which can only mean one thing… she is finally conquering the Seven Kingdoms! I mean about time; it has been six years. Not only that but we will also see some badass alliances such as the Great Houses of Martell, Greyjoy and Tyrell supporting Dany. Imagine the powerful army she has? The skilful fighters of the Martells, the knowledge of sea combat possessed by the Greyjoy’s, and of course having dragons as pets is pretty handy in any battle don’t you think?
2. Stark Reunion
It is only a matter of time before our most beloved family reunite and I have a feeling it will most likely happen in the upcoming season. The signs are already there with Sansa and Jon finally together again, and Arya sturdily told Jaqen H’ghar that she is not a No One but a Stark of Winterfell. And, of course, Jon needs Bran to help win the battle against the White Walkers and the Long Night. So get your tissues ready, this reunion will be the most heartfelt in TV history ever.

3. Jon… Targaryen
In the season finale, we finally find out Jon’s true parents and, spoiler alert, it’s not Ned Stark. He is the son of Lyanna Stark, Ned’s sister, and Rhaegar Targaryen, Daenerys’ brother who was to be king. Also, Jon is Dany’s nephew. Confusing right? So, what does this mean for Dany being the rightful ruler? Well, for Jon to be king he needs to be legitimised by the current king or queen, and I doubt Cersei would act upon that. However, a fan theory suggests Samwell Tarly will find Lyanna and Rhaegar’s secret marriage certificate hidden somewhere in the citadel. Either way, it will be interesting to see how Jon’s arc will unfold on the show.
4. Mad Queen Cersei
Now, I know what you’re thinking, why would we be excited for Cersei? However, here’s the thing, she will spice up the show and make everyone’s life in Game of Thrones a living hell, which in retrospect is why we watch GoT isn’t it? And, obviously, we want to see her go crazy during her reign and die by her brother literally stabbing her back just like he did to the Mad King. Maggy the Frog’s prophecy is coming true now isn’t it Cersei? Who knows, maybe she might also burn Westeros down with wildfire like she did to the Great Sept of Baleor?

5. Dany + Yara = #NewPotentialLoveStory?
Yaenerys? Dara? It doesn’t matter either way as they are the new favourite it ‘couple’ hitting the streets of GoT. Many fans are shipping these two characters together and who wouldn’t? They’re strong female characters who illustrate how women are just as badass as men in Game of Thrones. We knew right from the second that there was a unique connection happening when these two were together on our TV screens, and we cannot wait for more in the next season!
One of the most anticipated battles to happen in season 7 is between Dany and Cersei. At the end of last season, we see Dany with her large army and Cersei ruling the Seven Kingdoms. But, for now, we won’t know who would be on top as either camp have a strong possibility to take the throne. However, we do know that this battle won’t let us down and if anything will have the most blood and gore in GoT history.
7. Dragons!
One word: Dragons. In the previous season, it was exhilarating to see Dany finally being able to control and ride her dragons. Now that they are fully grown we will most likely see the amazing strength they have in destroying anyone and anything that gets in their mother’s way in the upcoming season. Imagine Viserion burning armies or Rhaegal burning ships or Drogon burning Cersei alive… Wait too much?

What are you excited about for season 7? Hopefully, your post-GoT-syndrome is healing a bit better after reading this… or not.