Wes Anderson is known for his quirky and charming films such as The Grand Budapest Hotel and Rushmore. Now, he’s back with a new holiday ad campaign for H&M…

This year, H&M has teamed up with Anderson to create a touching and heartwarming Christmas tale titled Come Together, and it leaves us feeling nostalgic for our family this close to Christmas.
The four minute film begins and Anderson’s filmic style is immediately recognisable, you may even mistake it for his film Darjeeling Limited as it is similarly set aboard a sleeper train. Anderson has once again teamed up with Adrien Brody, casting him as the train conductor. He announces that the due to bad weather the train will not make it to its destination until after Christmas, but they are offering a complimentary Christmas dinner on board. The conductor attempts to recreate Christmas for the passengers, transforming the dining cart into a Christmas wonderland.

The Little Drummer Boy plays in the background and is later replaced by John Lennon’s Happy Xmas, creating a sense of nostalgia for Christmas as we eagerly count down the days until we can celebrate with family and friends.
H&M branding is subtly tucked away in the film, but it is truly the sentimental story that captures our hearts. H&M’s head of design Pernilla Wohlfahrt shared on H&M’s site, “The winter train ride, under Wes Anderson’s direction, is the perfect setting for H&M’s holiday collection full of relaxed, wearable elegance. It’s about mixing the informal with a sense of occasion, capturing the holiday mood for both dressing up and getting cosy with loved ones.”

This year’s charming campaign is a start contrast to last year’s, which featured Katy Perry as a fairy dancing to an upbeat song with dancing bears and giant candy canes. Anderson’s campaign is all about sharing and looking out for each other, and isn’t that what Christmas is all about?
This campaign is not Anderson’s first foray into filming ads, as he has previously worked on many campaigns including Ikea, Hyundai, Stella Artois and his most famous to date is the American Express “My Life. My Card” campaign that saw him parodying himself as a film maker.
The simplicity of the H&M holiday film is where it’s charm truly lies. The countdown for Christmas is on.
Watch it here: