If you thought the first teaser trailer for Jennifer Lawrence’s new flick Mother! was undoubtedly horrifying, feast your eyes on the brand new trailer as we get a glimpse of J-Law’s creepy-ass husband and his even creepier unwelcomed guests.

It’s the calm before the storm as we see Lawrence’s character waking up blissfully from her bed, sharing a sweet peck with her hubby (Javier Bardem) and re-decorating what seems to be their brand new home. “I want to make it paradise,” she sweetly says (though, TBH, one of the creepiest things in this entire film might be the age gap between Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem). But get ready, because the storm is coming and in this case, it’s a heady mix of terrifying mind games coupled with real-world horror.
With this, the next thing we see is Lawrence inspecting a random dried blood stain on the supposedly “new” carpet which gives us the first inclination that there is something a little strange going on in ‘paradise’ and that J-Law’s creepy-ass husband has been up to some creepy-ass things. And then the guests start arriving. It doesn’t take long before Lawrence quickly starts to realise that these guests (Ed Harris, Michelle Pfeiffer) aren’t as lovely or normal as they seem as she finds an unsettling picture of her husband in the strange man’s bag.
Personally, that would leave me wanting to run for the hills and never look back, but J-Law sticks around to uncover what’s really going on in this mad house. This trailer features some real horror movie visual tropes of exploding light bulbs, rooms catching on fire, never ending creepy guests and an even creepier cellar that moves and spurts blood (what is going on?!!). Combine all of that with Lawrence’s gasping breaths and horrifying screams, you’ve got yourself a Mother! of a movie.
Darren Aronofsky’s film Mother! hits theatres Sept 15, check out the trailer below!