It was only a matter of time before Kit Harington’s exquisite derriere landed him a campaign with one of the largest fashion houses in the world. Okay, so it may not have been his ass that landed him the gig in Dolce & Gabbana’s latest fragrance campaign for ‘The One’, but it’s inevitable the naked chemistry betwixt Kit and co-star Emilia Clarke didn’t go astray in securing their respective roles.

Kit Harington and his Game of Thrones co-star Emilia Clarke have been handpicked to front the latest fragrance for D&G, ‘The One’. Whilst the pair don’t appear in any advert together, the name of the fragrance suggests their undeniable on-screen chemistry will inevitably come into play.
The enviously charming Emilia fronts the campaign for ‘The One’ eau de toilette, with Kit taking the reins of the cologne equivalent. In these separate Matteo Garrone-directed advertisements, the two stars charm the locals of a small Italian town; slurping up spaghetti, joyously twirling around and dancing with townspeople in some kind of impromptu street fiesta. It’s cheesier than the vintage cheddar stinking out your fridge, and if it weren’t for Emilia’s incredibly infectious smile and perpetually bubbly personality, it almost wouldn’t be believable.
It could very well be that ‘The One’ is referring to their renowned celebrity status as opposed to a romantic route. As each star enters the Italian fray in their respective adverts, there is an element of familiarity with the townspeople: are they being recognised on the basis of their star power, or are we to believe that each character is merely cast as a reputable member of the town, each destined to stumble upon their version of ‘The One’?
Irrespective of each advert’s incontrovertible sappiness, Kit and Emilia pique our inherent wanderlust and (unsurprisingly) stoke the raging fire that is our yearning for season eight of G.O.T.
So if Matteo Garrone can prolong our ‘Jonaerys‘ lust throughout this campaign roll-out, that would be *Emilia Clarke kissy fingers*.