Uğur Gallenkuş’ Artwork Illuminates A “Parallel World”

Turkish artist, Uğur Gallenkuş, raises awareness of a “parallel world” with his collages.

Photo Credit: Uğur Gallenkuş

The stark contrast between the experiences of individuals is a concept that is easy to grasp but hard to understand. Turkish artist, Uğur Gallenkuş’ work acts to highlight the differences between the first world and the third world with his collages.


I would like to tell the world that people in developing countries live in war, hunger and pain. If we want to live in peace and harmony we must have knowledge about each others’ lives.

–Uğur Gallenkuş to Agence France-Presse


The project begun in 2016 when Gallenkuş went viral with his reimagining of the infamous photo of a drowned Aylan Kurdi. The image of three-year-old Kurdi had sent shock waves through many, humanising the refugee crisis for many who were not educated on the matter. The Kurdi family had been trying to make their way to Canada from Syria to meet one of their eldest daughters, who had found refuge in Vancouver over the last two decades. Their ship had capsized and, in the aftermath,, Abdullah Kurdi, Aylan’s father, had been the only survivor. His wife and two sons had both drowned.

Uğur Gallenkuş’ rendition of Aylan Kurdi
Photo Credit: Uğur Gallenkuş

Gallenkuş’ work attempts to maintain the impact that this photo had had on the world. He takes images of wartorn countries and juxtaposes them with stock images. Children participating in sport in Western countries paired with the image of a child soldier. An image of two people kissing spliced with a boy in Sudan drinking from the Akuem River. Each piece is accompanied with an explanation of the story behind the image, highlighting its importance.

Gallenkuş’ covers many different topics, highlighting the occurrence of war, famine, domestic violence, income inequality and climate change. However, he has stated that his focus mainly lies in the terrors of war occurring in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

Below are a selection of Gallenkuş’ most striking pieces because, as in his own words:

“An image can sometimes be more effective than a thousand words. Many complicated words can describe the solution to a crisis, but you don’t need to know a language to read and understand a work of art.”

Please be aware that some images may be distressing to view.


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In December 2005 in southern Sudan, a boy drinks water from the Akuem River, near the village of Malual Kon in Bahr el Ghazal State. Only about one-third of the population has access to safe drinking water, and the threat of water-borne disease has increased as towns swell due to the return of displaced people and refugees following decades of civil war. (TR) 2005 yılının Aralık ayında, Güney Sudan'ın Bahr el Ghazal Eyaleti Malual Kon köyünün yakınındaki Akuem Nehri'nden bir çocuk su içiyor. Sudan nüfusun sadece üçte biri güvenli içme suyuna erişebiliyor ve onlarca yıl süren iç savaşın ardından yerlerinden edilmiş kişilerin ve mültecilerin geri dönüşünden dolayı şehirler şişerken, su kaynaklı hastalık tehdidi artmış. . #ParalelEvrenSavaşBarış ? . . Photo: Georgina Cranston @unicef . #sudan #güneysudan #southernsudan #mülteci #refugee #su #water #cleanwater #savaş #war #art #collageartist #collage #collageart #ParalelEvrenSavaşBariş

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April 23 was declared as Children's Day by Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey. I think it's the first day of celebration of children on Earth. Peace and love is possible with empathy, educated and children who have lived their childhood. It is impossible with hatred, ignorance and bigot children. Think about it. Happy Children's Day. (TR) 23 Nisan, 1921 yılında Hakimiyey-i Milliye bayramı, 1926 yılında Himaye-i Eftal Cemiyeti (Çocuk Esirgeme -Koruma- Cemiyeti) ve Atatürk'ün himayesinde Çocuk Bayramı olarak kutlanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu iki bayram 1980 yılında da 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı olarak birleştirilmiş ve günümüzde de kutlanılmaya devam etmektedir. Genç Türkiye Cumhuriyet'i yönetiminin çocuklara verdiği değer ve önemi göstermesi bakımından önemlidir. Çocuklar, her türlü ihmal ve istismara açıktır ve korunmalıdırlar. Dünya'yı, ülkeleri ve toplumları gelişmiş ve daha kaliteli hale getirecek olan, aklı ve vicdanı hür, bilimde sanatta atılım içerisinde olan, cehaletten uzak, adalet ve empati duygusuna sahip bir nesil yetiştirmek öncelikle çocuklardan başlamaktadır. Ulusal bir güvenlik ve bekâ meselesi olan çocuklarımıza gerekli önemin anlaşılması ve verilmesini diliyorum. 23 Nisan Çocuk Bayramı kutlu olsun. . Photos: 1- @abd_doumany 2- @abd_doumany 3- @marcogualazzini 4- @larrysgeneralstore 5- @dimitardilkoff 6- #ChrisHondros 7- @andreeacampeanu 8- @noorulah_shirzada 9- @yasinakgul2 10- @yeaungthu . #ParalelEvrenSavaşBarış ?

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