COVID-19 has taken lives, disordered economies and has altered our daily existence. But it has also shown us how strong and creative we can be even in isolation.

There is no wrong way to do quarantine. As long as you are staying home and following government guidelines, you’re checking huge and live-saving boxes off the list. But what many of us are facing and sharing is the experience of Boredom.
You may be wondering how can I make the most out of this walled in experience. Well, there are plenty of fun, imaginative ways to make the most this period of isolation. It’s could be as easy as adapting what you already love or trying something new that you’ve had on your mind.
This Lockdown can be a time to reinvent ourselves for the better. We know have disposable time as we work or study from home. Many of us are anxious, worried and even scared, about what will happen as this Pandemic continues and what will happen once this is all over.
It’s ok to say that you are bored during this time, many of us are too. The question is what are we going to do about it. It’s truly a choose your own adventure. During lockdown, we have more free time on our hands than ever before, so one can either waste this time on negative thoughts or actions, or one can try and use the time for a positive purpose.
We could try new hobbies like sewing, cooking or art, begin re-decorating that room you’ve never had time for or even learn a new language. Read that book that’s been sitting on the table for months now, have a home photoshoot or even use this free time to do some home workouts. This time can provide us with a great source of creativity and productivity.
So instead of going quarantine crazy, let’s use this time to gain a more open-minded approach to life and ourselves.
It is, for this reason, I will spend the next couple of weeks trying to gain a more open-minded approach to life by trying new hobbies and skills and writing about my experiences.
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