‘Bad Dads’ Exhibition Perfect Representation Of Wes Anderson


‘Bad Dads’ VI, an art tribute to Wes Anderson films, wrapped up last week in New York City, with the pieces now online for sale.


Wes Anderson is famous for his quirky, colourful and distinct films that are all his own style. Now he has an art-show dedicated to him, bringing together over 50 artists who are fans of the director. It’s not everyday a writer or director gets a whole art show dedicated to them.

‘Bad Dads’ VI took place at Joseph Gross Gallery in New York City between 7th-9th of August and featured art based on nearly all of his films. As of yesterday, the products are on sale and fans of Wes Anderson, or art, won’t be disappointed by the incredibly poignant paintings and figures. All embody the same qualities that Anderson brings to the screen; melancholy, love, humour, beauty, and the ridiculous.

The exhibition is so named because of Anderson’s fondness for creating absent or troublesome paternal figures. The art can be purchased at Spoke-Art.

Here are some of the best.

‘Always and Invariably Lovely’ by Alice X Zhang, featuring Agatha from ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’


“We’re in love. We just want to be together. What’s wrong with that?” by Christine Aria Hostetler. Inspired by ‘Moonrise Kingdom

“I’m Fine” by Daliah Lina Ammar featuring Margot in ‘The Royal Tenenbaums’


‘Jack Whitman’ by Valentin Fischer. Based on ‘The Darjeeling Limited.


‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ by Scott Mitchell


By James Charles. Based on ‘The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou’


“One of the worst students we’ve got” by Veronica Fish featuring Max Fischer from ‘Rushmore’.

What do you think of the art? Does it accurately capture the spirit of Wes Anderson’s film?

Wes AndersonBad DadsSpoke-ArtJoseph Gross GalleryMoonrise KingdomThe Royal TenenbaumsThe Grand Budapest HotelRushmoreThe Darjeeling LimitedThe Life Aquatic
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