Alicia Vikander One To Keep An Eye On

Alicia Vikander One To Keep An Eye On


Alicia Vikander is fast becoming the next big starlet in Hollywood with a string of strong performances and high-profile roles.

alicia vikander

The Swedish born actress and dancer certainly has the look to make it in Hollywood but it appears she also has the acting chops to go with it. She made her feature film debut in ‘Pure‘ in 2010 and she’s on a rapid rise, set to appearing or set to appear in 6 titles for 2015. The diminutive 27 year-old beauty is professionally trained in ballet but has decided to pursue her acting dream instead.

She recently starred in Guy Ritchie’s ‘The Man From U.N.C.LE.’ as a car mechanic, but she doesn’t know how to drive. Watch her discuss it.

She also plays an android alongside Oscar Isaac in the highly anticipated and acclaimed ‘Ex Machina’. She somehow manages to be beautiful as a piece of metal and technology while delivering a stirring acting performance.

alicia vikander ex machina


Listen to her talk about it here.

Following from these roles she’s set to play parts in ‘The Danish Girl’ alongside Eddie Redmayne, ‘The Tulip Fever’ with Christoph Waltz, ‘The Light Between Oceans’ next to Michael Fassbender, and ‘Burnt’ with Bradley Cooper.

So it’s quite clear her career is about to skyrocket and filmmakers are obviously enamoured with her talents. With these films and more to come next year she can carve out a place of her own within Hollywood as the next special talent.


hollywoodAlicia VikanderEx Machinathe man from u.n.c.l.e
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