It’s Marvel’s World, We’re Just Living In It

It’s Marvel’s World, We’re Just Living In It

In a completely unsurprising turn of events Marvel is back on everyone’s radar. (Like it ever really left)

With DC’s Batman V Superman stealing the coveted  superhero limelight this week, the ever powerful Marvel studios pulled the attention back their way dropping a brand new Captain America: Civil War trailer. But that’s not all fans have to be excited about. This week at the Daredevil season 2 premiere Jessica Jones’ Mike Colter, our favourite super brooding super hero, announced that his spinoff Luke Cage had an official premiere date in September 20. A mere 6 months away. The series just another notch under their belt, paving their way to world domination one angst ridden New York super being at a time.

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Mike Colter and Krysten Ritter in Netflix’s Jessica Jones Photo Credit: Netflix

The series will work to further tie the ‘ground level’ superheroes (Daredevil, Jessica Jones and ultimately Iron Fist) together. Setting the premise for the not yet scheduled Defenders miniseries which will see the four team up. Rosario Dawson’s Claire Temple or the ‘night nurse’ has been confirmed as a character, having appeared in both Daredevil and Jessica Jones she works to remind audiences that each show is connected and we should not question Marvel’s ability to create an entire universe on our screens or it’s Divine presence in our lives. Joining Colter and Dawson are Mahershala Ali, Theo Rossi, Alfre Woodard, Frankie Faison, Simone Missick and Frank Whaley.

Rosario Dawson and Mike Colter on set of ‘Luke Cage’ Photo Credit: Spoilertv

The series is set to explore Cage’s origin story, the prison based experiment that went wrong and his life in Brooklyn and Harlem. No word yet as to whether Krysten Ritter will reprise her role as Jessica Jones,  however it has been confirmed that the project has been given the filming slot that was used to develop Jessica Jones last year, though this series will premiere 2 months earlier than it’s originator.

“It’s gonna be action-packed from the beginning to the very end. Trust me.” How could you not trust a man with arms the size of sequoia trunks?”

The series will bring Marvel one step closer in their inevitable world domination. This year also marks the beginning of phase three of their cinematic releases, Captain America: Civil War set to dominate the box office on May 6th. If the other Netflix series’ success are at all predictions of how the latest show will be received we have high hopes, though considering Marvel have us trained to sit through 10 minutes of credits to watch a 20 second clip at the end of each movie (They say jump, we ask how high) I would say that Luke Cage has nothing to be afraid of reception wise.

It looks like the coming year will make it almost impossible for us to ween off superheroes, Netflix and ABC (A.G.E.N.T.S of Shield, Agent Carter) filling in time between movies and letting us live vicariously through the lives of super-humans, extending the timelines of characters  and blurring the line between our universe and theirs.

Luke Cage is a front runner for September’s binge worthy show of the month, so get your priorities in order because come spring this will be number 1.  



marvel#netflixJessica JonesLuke CageDaredevil
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