A dysfunctional family, gladiator battles, galactic makeup, and Jeff Goldblum – the new Thor movie seriously has it all….
The trailer may get you to the cinema and the popcorn might keep you in your seat for a while – until the carton’s finished – but the glue that keeps your bum marble-stiff for over 2 hours is the cinematic experience made by a great movie. I was literally buzzing when I came out of Thor: Ragnarok last week, so much so I seriously considered camping out in the cinema for the next session! If movies have taught me anything, it’s that adventures in space are the most fun and Taika Waititi’s contribution to Marvel’s lineup just hammered that lesson home!
When Hela (Goddess of Death) is released and hell bent on revenge, Thor – with the help of a reluctant Valkyrie, a confused Bruce Banner, and his ever-untrustworthy adopted brother Loki – must find a way to save Asgard from the Ragnarok: basically, the end of the world. A simple story is a powerful one, and the plot line of Ragnarok calls to mind every buddy comedy/group adventure ever seen. The quest narrative sets the stage for exquisite banter, hilarious and simultaneously eerie intertextual references – keep an eye out for the Wondrous Boat Ride – and battle sequences that will blow minds: all of which this movie has in spades!
Image credit: Collider
Amidst the hilarious script and perfectly timed comedy, there is a multitude of arse-kicking action ranging from a gladiator fight between Thor and Hulk – “he’s a friend from work”, to the climactic battle against Hela. But what makes it all even better is that women are doing the majority of the arse kicking. In this crazy road trip, Hulk and Thor are the two friends in the back telling jokes and playing car-games while Hela and Valkyrie are up front arguing about which route to take… and it’s glorious!
On top of everything else, the film looks amazing! Dazzling lighting and CGI mixed with good uses of slow-motion get the adrenaline pumping through those action sequences, the art direction and cinematography is monumental, and the achievements in makeup and costume design are charismatic and chic: Hela’s smouldering armoured dominatrix look is enough to inspire worship, and Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster getup is fabulously cosmic-Egyptian.
With a cameo from Dr. Strange – I spoilt nothing, we all saw the scene at the end of Doctor Strange! – and a sneaky appearance from the director himself, Thor: Ragnarok is this month’s must-see film, surpassing the teen fun of Spiderman: Homecoming and the cosmic excitement of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2.
Seen the movie? Share your thoughts below!