Disney’s Upcoming Streaming Service Already Sounds Glorious

With Star Wars, Marvel and Disney films under their belt, is there anything these guys don’t have?

Source: ABC

Disney’s streaming service isn’t expected until ‘fall 2019’, and apparently Australia won’t have access right away, but it seems like it’ll be worth the wait. Deadline dropped the exclusive that gives us some brand new info on what we can expect from the service when it does hit our screens.

There won’t be any R-rated material, as per Disney’s brand, so Netflix will still be ahead of the pack when it comes to edgier, grittier content. Netflix will also hang on to the Marvel movies they already have the rights to. In Australia, Marvel films are there one day and gone the next, so who knows how that’ll go down.

Even more interesting, however, is the fact that Disney plans on unveiling four to five original movies and five television series within the first year. It’s definitely possible with a machine like Disney behind the wheel, and what’s even more exciting is that we already know some of the titles they’re working on. There’s definitely been talks of a live action Star Wars series, which would just about be the greatest thing on Earth. A Monsters Inc. television series, a Lady and the Tramp remake, as well as the previously announced High School Musical series are also on the discussion table.

We should also consider the fact that Disney just merged with Fox, so there’s a good chance we’ll be seeing some of their content cross over as well. It already sounds amazing, and I for one am definitely down for paying $10 more a month for unlimited Disney films and Star Wars content.

Source: Fox (or Disney, I guess)

What film or series are you most looking forward to on Disney’s new service? Let us know in the comments below!

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