First, it was the teaser for the teaser poster. Yesterday, it was the actual teaser poster. Today it’s the poster-tease-teaser-post-posting-tease.

And right in this second, it’s us all taking a brief moment to appreciate the fact that Daniel Craig is wearing a turtleneck. And even more importantly, it’s us acknowledging that he’s making it look effortlessly sexy.
Effortless and sexy: two words not normally ascribed to a garment of the turtle-necky calibre, but ones that we must give due respect to in this instance. Like the many Bond’s before him, such as Moore, Brosnan and the ever stern-faced Connery, he’s keeping in with tradition, and we are weirdly loving it.
…Has anyone else noticed the crotch photo-shop? Either that’s a gun in his pants or he’s… oh wait, yep, it’s a gun. Never mind.
Spectre will be in cinemas November 6, 2015.