He is the man best known for perfecting the union of non-linear story lines, gratuitous violence, and verbose monologues, all the while managing to serve up a captivating story for the audience to consume…and consume we have. It’s been three years since Quentin Tarantino’s last blockbuster film, Django Unchained, and it would appear that its success has encouraged him to revisit the western genre.

We finally got a sneak peek at his upcoming film – The Hateful Eight – and if the trailer is anything to go by then we’re in for a treat.
All the usual suspects return as Tarantino continues career long working relationships with many of the actors from his previous films. Samuel L. Jackson is front and centre playing bounty hunter who is lugging a couple of corpses across the country for payment. When a blizzard rolls in he’s forced into a nearby inn with seven other gun slinging strangers, including fellow bounty hunter, John ‘The Hangman’ Ruth – played by Kurt Russell. Set in the years post the American civil war, somewhere in the snowy northern landscape, The Hateful Eight is poised to paint an otherwise perfectly white setting with a special brand of Tarantino crimson. With the scene set, beautiful havoc is about to ensue.

In January of this year Tarantino announced that the 2016 release would be his final film during an interview with Deadline. When asked of his plans after moviemaking Tarantino answered:
“Writing plays and books, going gracefully into my tender years. I don’t believe you should stay onstage until people are begging you to get off.”
Only time will tell if The Hateful Eight will really signify the end of a 25 year era for the eccentric director but with the ominous feel of the trailer accompanied by a tantalising electric guitar overture it is likely that this next instalment for Tarantino will be a memorable one.