Game of Thrones has taken the world by storm in such a way, sometimes it’s hard to remember the actors are real people that have screen time as other characters. We’ve gathered a list of what else some of the GoT royalty have starred in, prepared to be unnerved…
Emilia Clarke

Clark is an English actress most well known for her portrayal of Daenerys Targaryen, aka Khaleesi.
In a similarly ‘strong independent woman that don’t need no man’ role, she stars as Sarah Connor in Terminator: Genisys (2015). Emilia has also graced Broadway with her presence as Holly Golightly in the adaption of classic Breakfast at Tiffany’s in 2013. But most shockingly, what do you mean she’s not actually blonde?!

Peter Dinklage

While Dinklage is well known for Tyrion Lannister, he was very much an acclaimed actor before GoT was even written.
His dry humour also features in I Love You Too (2010) and both the British and American versions of A Death at a Funeral (2010).
You can also hear his charming voice as Captain Gutt in Ice Age: Continental Drift (2011).

Kit Harington

His character Jon Snow has inspired many memes and conspiracy theories, but Harington is more than just a member of House Stark. He stars as a mostly topless, brooding lead in an adaption of Pompeii (2014) with a surprise ending… not really, the volcano still erupts.
Like Dinklage, he also tried his hand at voice acting, with a role as Eret, Son of Eret in How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014).
Thomas Brodie-Sangster

You’ll all recognise Jojen Reed’s surprisingly 25 year old face from when it was much younger. Brodie-Sangster first debuted on the big screen in Love Actually (2003) and Nanny McPhee (2005).
No joke, he’s 13 in that clip. He’s going to look 21 when he’s 62. In what’s looking like a trend with GoT actors, he is also a voice actor behind Disney’s last good TV show, Phineas & Ferb.
Since GoT fame, he has also had prominent roles in TV mini-series Wolf Hall (2015) and The Maze Runner (2014). Here’s a fun interview about The Maze Runner because it’s fun.
Sean Bean

With claims that Bean is England’s most versatile actor, it’s safe to say that GoT neither started nor finished his career. For approximately 20 years, he has appeared in theatre, radio, television, and movies.
He stars as Boromir in The Lord of the Rings franchise, the other most notable fantasy series to be embraced by the mainstream. Bean is also known to die a lot in his films, with a number of YouTube compilations available of his ‘best deaths’. There’s one here, but parts are a bit graphic as an FYI…
Sophie Turner

Turner is best known for her portrayal of the young noblewoman Sansa Stark. She started the role in 2011, when she was just 16 years old. The young star has great upcoming plans for the big screen with roles as Mary Shelley from the latest adaption of Frankenstein and Jean Grey in X:Men Apocolypse (2016).
Lena Headey

Headey stars as Queen Cersei Lannister, but it is far from her first film.
She was scouted at the young age of 17 and found fame in lead performances in Brothers Grimm (2005) and 300 (2007). In a bizarre connection to Headey’s co-star Clarke, she also starred as Sarah Connor in the TV series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Natalie Dormer

Dormer is no stranger to hit TV series, starring as Anne Boleyn in The Tudors before becoming Margaery Tyrell in GoT. But she has also recently branched out to the big screen with a role as Cressida in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (2014).
Jack Gleeson

Ahh, the man we love to hate Joffrey Baratheon. He might have been a little bit too convincing as a terrible person, as he hasn’t starred in anything since his character was killed off of GoT. He was however the little boy in Batman Begins (2005)!
With the next season of Game of Thrones currently being filmed, maybe we’ll see some new familiar faces…