It’s Back to the Future Day!

After today, Back to the Future II will officially be set in the past.


We know, this is about to get more confusing than Inception, but we have one more day of normalcy so let’s embrace the fact that everything is how it should be… for now. 

We can all admit that Marty McFly’s version of October 21, 2015 was a lot cooler than the ours in a lot of ways. Firstly, and most importantly, he got a


We might be inching towards them, the reality looks a little more like this…


Rehydrating Pizza

“Boy oh boy, Mom, you sure know how to hydrate a pizza.”

While it resembles my cooking abilities, I think for the most part of civilised society (read: people who don’t think Mi Goreng for every meal is acceptable), cooking requires a lot more time and finesse.


Flying Cars

Okay seriously, why was every single movie or TV show obsessed with the concept of flying cars? None of them seemed to show a society that had achieved world peace, but they all had flying cars, even though they parked on the ground… Easily Australia’s best MP Michael Baird showed us all this morning how much we still depend on roads today


Phone Calls with Video


Okay, with Skype, FaceTime, SnapChat and Google hang outs, here’s one we finally did better than the movie. At least we know who’s calling us before we answer, and we don’t need that face on a massive TV screen..


Fax Machine in Every Room

WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! We’ve been ripped off people. I haven’t ever had ONE fax machine, let alone MULTIPLE. All I have is my stupid iPhone that follows me everywhere. First no hoverboards now this… some future.


Jaws 19

Jaws was the flavour of the month when Back to the Future II hit the screens, but it called it quits at just 4. The current franchise under the umbrella of “should’ve stopped at one” is Taken


Why indeed Neeson… I wonder what will happen in the next one? Hope someone’s kidnapped!


Snazzy Shoes

And here we are, still tying our shoes with our fingers like chumps. As Nike is a bunch of people pleasers, they apparently have a shoe in the works that has “power laces” that will function with a weight sensor built into the shoe, saving you exactly twelve seconds every morning and making you feel at least twice as cool. But the last we heard about it was January, so they might scrape in, they do have 2 months left until Back to the Future year is over. I wouldn’t hold your breath over getting a pair if you have a life though, judging by how quickly Yeezys sold out, and they’re not attractive or self-lacing.


Actual Sleep Gadgets


When Jennifer gets a little bit too excited, Doc zaps her with what he calls a sleep-inducing Alpha rhythm generator. People might try and tell me we have sleep things, but as someone who has endured whale sound CDs and the creepy guy who voiceovers every meditation app, I’m telling you.. we don’t.


Facial Rejuvination


EW EW EW EWWWWW. I’m legitimately scarred from that picture, so I thought I’d share it with you all. 2015 definitely is no stranger to plastic surgery (looking at you Kylie Jenner) but while hers aged her 30 years, Doc’s added 30-40 years to his life. Our version of plastic surgery is just going to keep you looking fabulous while your meat sack of a body continues to decay and slowly die.

In 1989, one film critic said of the film:

Back to the Future, Part II tells a complicated tale, sections of which will be virtually incomprehensible to anyone who hasn’t watched (or doesn’t remember) Part I. If you’re in that unfortunate category and you have any intention of seeing the new movie, go immediately to your favorite video store and rent the original. If you don’t have a VCR, I hope you saw the broadcast of Back to the Future on NBC last Friday. (If you missed that broadcast and don’t have access to a VCR, your best bet is to find a time machine, set the dial for 1985, and see the first film there.)” — Jay Boyar, Orlando Sentinel, Nov. 22, 1989

Showing the best thing about the real 2015 means not having to rewind your VHS tapes that the last jerk who borrowed it from Blockbuster was too lazy to do.