Young Photographer Shea Glover Goes Viral with Short Film Capturing Beauty

Photographer Shea Glover filmed people’s reactions to being complimented and the resulting short film has made waves online.

Some great projects are wrought from the heat of an artist’s mind like an iron casting. Some arrive like a package on a doorstep, unexpected and thrilling. And some great projects grow from a seemingly simple concept and evolve into something striking. 18-year-old student and photographer Shea Glover decided one day to walk around her home city of Chicago, filming things that struck her as beautiful. The short film has since received over six million views on YouTube.

 “As I recorded them, I told them the purpose of my project… ‘I’m taking pictures of things I find beautiful.’”


Glover’s candid short film shows her teachers’ and fellow students’ reactions when told that they’re beautiful. The reactions range from surprised smiles, laughter, earnest thanks and even disbelief.


Since posting the short film on her YouTube channel she has received an outpouring of heartfelt messages from viewers worldwide.


One person on Glover’s tumblr had this to say:

“I just wanted to tell you that I adore your video on people reacting to being called beautiful and if I was like everyone else in the world who claims they’re lost their faith in humanity, you probably would’ve been the one to restore it.”


Another tumblr user commented:

“I just wanted to tell you that your video ‘People react to being called beautiful’ made me cry so hard, but on the other hand, I’m so grateful for seeing it because it is truly inspirational…”


Glover said about the project:

“I conducted an independent project, which evidently turned into a social experiment regarding beauty…


“I want to clarify that my intentions were not to get a reaction out of people. I was simply filming beauty and this is the result.”


In her most recent vlog, Glover responded to the enormous amount of views she’s received and discussed her views on beauty and happiness.

“There is so much beauty in the world, you just have to open your eyes and be ready for it and look for it. I think if you start paying attention to the little things in yourselves, in your daily lives, in nature, in architecture, in art… it’ll make you happier.”
